Rearview Mirror 11-2-2017

I was reminded this past Sunday of the importance of taking time to share a meal together as God’s people. I am sure the “Potluck” in heaven is going to be incredible. I want to say thanks to the Hospitality Ministry team for all their work and for everyone that helped and brought yummy stuff.… Continue Reading

The Cost of Un-forgiveness

It sometimes seems that being unforgiving is a mark of strength. We have many statements that reflect this such as, “If you play you pay!” We even quote the Bible, “An eye for an eye….” to justify retaliating. Our unforgiving attitude does not bring freedom, but keeps us in bondage to others and the past… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 10-26-2017

 I hope that you will be a part of the Potluck that is scheduled for Sunday after the service. There is something very special about sharing a meal with others. We are asking each family to bring a main dish and salad, or main dish and dessert. I hope that you will plan to join… Continue Reading

The Cost of Discontentment

Contentment is something that seems to have long been forgotten in American culture. We live in a context that is driven by consumption. Marketers are masters at causing us to be discontent with what we have and offering something to make us content. The push is always for something new. This way of living will… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 10-19-2017

Let me encourage you to pray for our congregation. There have been a rash of challenging situations for a number of our family. We have several families struggling with several different issues. Your prayers and encouragement is vital to these family members. Just a reminder that the Hearing for our Conditional Use Permit will be… Continue Reading

Willing to Pay the Price of Sin?

Several years ago I received two rightfully deserved traffic violations. The speeding tickets not only impacted my wallet, but also my reputation  (driving a full church van) and possibly my ability to drive (impact my commercial license). Once I began to consider the cost of heavy peddle driving my habits began to change!  We as… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 10-12-2017

I have really been challenged by my time preparing for the new sermon series “No Excuses.” The extended title is “Live with No Excuses, Love with No Regrets.” I have been reminded at how easy it is to become a “sloppy Christian.” I am excited about what the Lord is going to do in us… Continue Reading

Live with No Regrets

I know that there are things in my life that I would do differently, if I could. I am sure that you have some regrets in your life too. We cannot change the past, but we can make right choices in the present that would lead us to a time in the future with no… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 10-5-2017

I have really been burdened over these last months with all the evil that is happening around us and in our nation. The events in Las Vegas were just another reminder of the need for followers of Jesus to live for Him. Then we can be the light and the hope that our culture so… Continue Reading

The Power of Connecting

I am sure that you see and even experience the crazy pace of our lives. I have noticed that our lives as Americans keep getting busier all the time. The challenge of our busy lives is that every time we add something new then something else gets pushed aside. Unfortunately, most of us never intentionally… Continue Reading