Author Archives: joe

A Whatchamacallit for the Thingamajig!

     One of the joys in my life is fixing stuff even if it is not always an enjoyable process. I’m reminded of the times when the parts clerk has looked at me with a blank stare when I asked for a whatchamacallit that spins around the thingamajig. It is during these times that I realize the importance of good communication. I have found that not only knowing the right terms but also being able to ask the right questions usually help obtain what I need.

    I have noticed that on many occasions Jesus’ followers struggled with their communication. It has stood out to me recently that they were usually asking the wrong questions. However Jesus, being the Master Teacher, used those opportunities to teach in the moment and redirect them to the Biblical solution.  

     What I love about Jesus is his patience with us. All three of the Synoptic Gospels record a situation in which the disciples are asking the wrong question. Matthew reveals, “At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”” (Matthew 18:1). Luke provides us with a bit of the backstory to this question;  “An argument arose among them as to which of them was the greatest.” (Luke 9:46). Mark reveals that Jesus confronted them about their argument. “But they kept silent, for on the way they had argued with one another about who was the greatest.” (Mark 9:34). What stands out to me is that Jesus did not condemn them for asking, but redemptive as he pointed them toward the right way of thinking.

    Their question was as irrelevant as me going into the auto parts store asking for a whatchamacallit for my washing machine. In response to his disciples asking Jesus the wrong question “Who is the greatest…” Jesus responds; “And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:2–3). Now we get this, that serving Jesus in not about our position at the top of the pyramid, but our role in supporting others from the bottom.

    The account above reveals that there is no such thing as a wrong question to bring to Jesus! My wrong questions can be beneficial in revealing wrong beliefs that have crept into my thinking and hindered my spiritual progress. For instance,  I have asked, “Lord, why am I being hammered by __________? “ There is nothing wrong with this prayer, that was even a prayer of the Apostle Paul.  Yet, Paul’s more frequent admonition for those struggling was to pray for the Lord’s wisdom and strength to grow through it, “And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,” (Colossians 1:9).

     Our best response is to bring our burdens to Jesus, knowing even if we ask the wrong question He has the perfect answer. We know that when we come to Him, he is always able to help us find the spiritual whatchamacallit that produces the godly thingamajig!

-Pastor Joe Parkinson


     It has been said that the best response to a person who justifies not attending church due to the hypocrisy is, “Yes, and there is always room for one more!” Truth be told hypocrisy is a systemic condition of the human race. One of the best definitions for hypocrisy can be found in the… Continue Reading

Shut Up!

    This offensive statement is not meant to be directed toward others but to myself.  One of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves is to shut up. I am speaking of taking control of our speech. If you have not considered that you need to control your tongue, I would encourage you to… Continue Reading

So I Hated My Life!

    It would be beneficial to hear ourselves talk. We may realize things about ourselves if we could hear our clone speaking and acting the way we do. If you have ever tried to evaluate yourself honestly, you know how hard it is to accomplish. What I think we might see are areas that we… Continue Reading

Prepared for the Harvest

    These past couple weeks in Eastern Washington I noticed an increase in the number of trucks transporting apple bins. There were several occasions where we would be following behind these trucks delivering empty bins to the apple orchards. Having lived in the area for 7 years I was reminded of all the work that… Continue Reading

Fixing the Wrong Problem

     I have been spending a decent amount of my free time working on getting our 1997 boat back on the water. The project has reminded me of a temptation that is common with every “project in my life.” I throw solutions at the problem without knowing what is broken. It’s like trying to hit… Continue Reading

Does My Faith Have a Heartbeat?

     The human heart is one of the most essential organs required for life. This fist-sized organ is responsible for circulating the 1.5 gallons of blood required to keep our bodies functioning. A resting adult heart rate often determines an individual’s level of cardiovascular fitness. Like our physical heart, there is a spiritual heart beat… Continue Reading

Living with No Secrets

     The predictive text feature on my cell phone can be very frustrating. I find myself unintentionally sending messages that do not make sense. Fortunately, I have not yet sent anything that would be considered inappropriate. I refer to this feature as my phone’s sin nature. It does what I do not want it to… Continue Reading