Rearview Mirror 11-22-2017

  • I want to say Thank You for all that you do for the Lord. I am thankful for those of you that are part of our ministry up close and for those of you ministering from a distance. I hope that you will be able to set aside some quiet time to reflect on all the blessings in your life this past year. I hope if you are a parent (or grandparent) that you will also make time to share some of those blessing with those around you.
  • It is hard to believe that the long process of obtaining our Conditional Use Permit has now been accomplished. I experienced two emotions when I received news of the favorable decision. The first was a feeling of joy. Joy that this milestone was now accomplished after almost two years of work. The second was a feeling of fear, the realization that we are now moving into the next phase of our project and all that it involves. I have been reminded time and again that the Lord is leading us. I am excited for what the next stage in the process involves! I want to say Thank You again to everyone that has been a part of this. The Lord accomplished this through us as we worked together.
  • I regret that I missed the Family Game Day Saturday. I hear that everyone had a great time. Thanks to Pastor Zac and Carol for all their work on this event. I am looking forward to round 2.
  • One of the great Annual Christmas ministries is the Six8 Youth Christmas Wreath sales. 100% of your wreath purchase will go to offset the cost for our High School students attend the Teen Leadership Conference over Christmas Break. Let me encourage you to support our youth buy purchasing wreath(s).
  • It is exciting to see what is happening in the different areas of our church. One of those areas is the Ladies Disciple Group. Gals a reminder that the group’s next meeting is Saturday December 2nd 10am-12pm at the Ministry Center.
  • Save the Date for the Ladies Annual Christmas Party Friday December 8, 7pm at the Ministry Center. The big change this year is the Candle exchange instead of the Ornament exchange. This corresponds to the Ladies theme “Let Your Light Shine.” So bring a wrapped candle (limit $5) for this year’s candle exchange. Food and drink will be provided.
  • Our November MMV (Monthly Memory Verse). ““but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,” 1 Peter 3:15 ESV  It is a reminder of the need to be a gracious witness for Jesus. Let me encourage those of you with smart phones or tablets to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • I will be wrapping up our “No Excuses” series this weekend as we focus on ministry. We will spend our time in Exodus 4 as we look at Moses’ excuses for not serving the Lord. I am thankful that the Lord did not accept Moses’ excuses and that he does not accept ours either. I appreciate your prayers for me as I prepare for Sunday.

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