Rearview Mirror 11-30-2017

  • I love the Christmas season. I love just about everything about it. I love giving gifts. I love all the decorations. I love the special events. But I especially love the reminder that God cares for us and demonstrated it by taking on human flesh!
  • This Sunday we will begin our Advent Celebration. Each Sunday a different family will read a portion of the Christmas story and share a few personal insights then light the candle for that week. Our desire is to bring us back to the meaning of what we are celebrating this time of year.
  • This is a good time to talk to friends and family about visiting a Sunday service or our Candlelight Service. The one hour service on Christmas Eve is one small way for us to redeem the holiday season as we take a break from all the other activities to celebrate Jesus birth. The Service will be held at Marcus Whitman Sunday December 24th from 6pm-7pm. I hope you will join us and invite your family.
  • Our Annual Christmas Caroling is scheduled for Sunday December 17th. I hope you will join us as we bring the Christmas message through song into the lives of those that are struggling. We are still working out some of the specifics but are hoping to visit the same places as in years past.
  • Thanks to everyone that has supported our students Christmas Wreath sales. There are still a couple wreaths remaining, so there is still time to pick one up.
  • Just a reminder that the Ladies Discipleship Group is meeting this Saturday December 2nd 10am-12pm at the Ministry Center.
  • Save the Date for the Ladies Annual Christmas Party Friday December 8, 7pm at the Ministry Center. The big change this year is the Candle exchange instead of the Ornament exchange. This corresponds to the Ladies theme “Let Your Light Shine.” So bring a wrapped candle (limit $5) for this year’s candle exchange. Food and drink will be provided.
  • Our December MMV (Monthly Memory Verse) is Bring Your Own Verse. I am encouraging each person to pick a verse from their Bible reading to commit to memory. I hope that you will share your verse with me. Let me encourage those of you with smart phones or tablets to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • I am excited that we will be launching our new Christmas series, “What Child is This?” We will be looking at four of the main characters in the Christmas account to answer the question. Thanks for your prayers as we launch this new series and for me as I study.


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