Rearview Mirror 11-16-2017

  • It is humbling to be continually reminded of how the Lord works. I want to say Thank You to everyone that attended the 1st Quarter Business Meeting Sunday afternoon. We had a great attendance and a chance to discuss where we are as a ministry and on developing the property. There was also a great time of prayer. Thanks to everyone that participated.
  • Our Conditional Use Permit has been approved by the Hearing Examiner. It looks like the conditions of approval were what we were expecting. What a blessing to reach this milestone! The long process of developing our property on Sedgewick has reminded me again and again that the project is in the Lord’s hand. It has been a growing process for me and for us as a church on this adventure to have our own facility. Pending any appeals to the decision, we are free to use the property as a church. We can also begin to look forward to the next step.  This is a huge blessing! Thanks for your prayers, encouragement and financial support!
  • Don’t Miss This! There is a Family Game Day this Saturday November 18 10AM-3pm. All ages are welcome. Come, bring a game and plan to have fun. Lunch will be provided. A big thanks to Pastor Zac and Carol for organizing this and doing lunch!
  • Thanks to everyone that participated in this year’s OCC promotion. I get excited about this each year thinking about the blessing that we can be to children around the world. I understand that we know of  46 boxes prepared by our congregation. There are also those that have dropped off their boxes too. Remember to let the Hansen’s know where your boxes got distributed once you hear back from Samaritans Purse. Now don’t forget to pray for your boxes! Thank You.
  • Save the Date for the Ladies Annual Christmas Party Friday December 8, 7pm at the Ministry Center. The big change this year is the Candle exchange instead of the Ornament exchange. This corresponds to the Ladies theme “Let Your Light Shine.” So bring a wrapped candle (limit $5) for this year’s candle exchange. Food and drink will be provided.
  • Our November MMV (Monthly Memory Verse). ““but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,” 1 Peter 3:15 ESV  It is a reminder of the need to be a gracious witness for Jesus. Let me encourage those of you with smart phones or tablets to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • Our “No Excuses” study will be focusing on generosity this week as we look at a passage from the prophet Haggai. The challenge this week will be to “Live with No Excuses, Love with No Regrets” by “Practicing Generosity.” Jesus is quoted as saying, “It is better to give than receive.” This becomes more apparent as we mature in our relationship with Jesus. Thank you for praying for the preaching of God’s Word this weekend.

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