by joe | May 31, 2018 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
I find it refreshing when I come across a person with a joyful disposition. The truth be told, they are very rare to find these day. I guess the question that comes to mind is “Am I a joyful person in other’s eyes?” It is a great question. What we often miss is...
by joe | May 31, 2018 | Newsletter
Let me encourage you to keep CLEAT Soccer Camp in your prayers. The mailers were sent out on Tuesday. The website has been updated. And we are actively promoting this year’s camp. Please pray! Just a reminder to our Ministry Team leaders that our June meeting is this...
by joe | May 24, 2018 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
One of the great heresies of the faith has been related to a proper view of Jesus. The Bible teaches that He is fully God and fully man. Yet we struggle to see how these two natures can operate together. The temptation for Bible students is to emphasize one nature...
by joe | May 24, 2018 | Newsletter
WOW, What a Great Sunday. I want to say Thank You to everyone that helped and gave to this special SDAP Offering. We now have funding set aside to be used to obtaining our Site Development Activity Permit. This permit will allow us to begin working on preparing the...
by joe | May 17, 2018 | Newsletter
We are looking forward to an exciting weekend at Living Hope. This Sunday, May 20th is our SDAP Offering. We have been promoting this for several weeks. The Sunday offering will be dedicated to our building fund and be used for covering the costs of pursing our Site...
by joe | May 17, 2018 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
Let me be honest. Life change is very scary! Yet when there is no change there is no growth. Think about this for a moment… Every advancement in your life required change. We should not be surprised that Jesus calls His followers to embrace Biblical change. Our SDAP...
by joe | May 10, 2018 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
It seems like almost everything has a shelf life or is designed for obsolescence. It could be the container of milk in the fridge or the dish washer that conveniently breaks a couple days after the warranty has expired. The expiration dates remind us that much of the...
by joe | May 10, 2018 | Newsletter
Thanks for the chance to get away for our daughter’s graduation. I want to say thank you to Pastors Berney and Zac and especially everyone that covered the bases while we were gone. It was a good time to celebrate the accomplishments of our daughter and to spend time...
by joe | Apr 26, 2018 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
I love to read biographies of followers of Jesus. My heart has been challenged and motivated as I have read of their forward progress for Jesus. So the question that I am asking is this, “What is different between them and those that accomplish little to nothing?”...
by joe | Apr 26, 2018 | Newsletter
Living Hope has been the most incredible adventure in my life so far! It is humbling to look back and see all that the Lord did as our church has taken faith risks. I want to say thanks to everyone that helped with the property cleanup this past Saturday. A big shout...