Rearview Mirror 5-10-2018

Thanks for the chance to get away for our daughter’s graduation. I want to say thank you to Pastors Berney and Zac and especially everyone that covered the bases while we were gone. It was a good time to celebrate the accomplishments of our daughter and to spend time with family on the East side… Continue Reading

Embracing Your Jesus Adventure

I love to read biographies of followers of Jesus. My heart has been challenged and motivated as I have read of their forward progress for Jesus. So the question that I am asking is this, “What is different between them and those that accomplish little to nothing?” Now, I want us to be careful here.… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 4-26-2018

Living Hope has been the most incredible adventure in my life so far! It is humbling to look back and see all that the Lord did as our church has taken faith risks. I want to say thanks to everyone that helped with the property cleanup this past Saturday. A big shout out to Gordon… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 4-19-2018

I want to give a shout out to Pastor Berney, Steve F and the families that have been sharing a portion of their story about “Living the Hope” on video each week. It is so humbling to hear how the Lord has been working through the ministry of Living Hope over the years. Thank You.… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 4-13-2018

Last Sunday we kicked off our SDAP Offering. The offering will be collected on Sunday May 20th. The whole offering will go to the building fund to be used for obtaining the permit. The SDAP or Site Development Permit is the next permit needed in the development of our property. This permit will allow us… Continue Reading

Finding Life By Embracing My Death

“Oh why do people waste their breath inventing dainty names for death?” questions poet John Betjeman in his poem “Graveyard.” I would think that most of us invent “dainty names” because we do not want to face up to the reality of death. So we will often dance around the reality of death by using… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 4-5-2018

Easter is a highlight of the year as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. I remember growing up as a kid and Easter was all the external stuff. New clothes, pictures and candy! Yet, the real meaning of Easter is so much better, new life in Jesus. I want to say Thank You to… Continue Reading

Responding to Ungodly Authority

I would imagine that most followers of Jesus have been in a situation where an authority over them has expected them to act in an unethical manner. It could be stretching the truth to make a sale, to asking a person to do something that violates the law or their conscience. So how should  you… Continue Reading