Rearview Mirror 10-10-2019

     This past Sunday we launched our “Step In Faith” stewardship campaign. We are on the verge of moving to our property and have a few items that need to be wrapped up. The campaign is a time to focus on building our faith as we experience God working through us to cover the financial… Continue Reading

Do I Believe that God is Good?

     I would like to ask a simple question, “Do you believe that God is good?” Now, I wish that we could have the conversation in person. The reason is, I question our first response as followers of Jesus. We have been taught that God is good. We pay mental acknowledgement to that truth… Yet… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 10-3-2019

     It is a blessing for me to be a part of Living Hope. I am continually humbled at that Lord’s working in our midst. We are seeing so many great things happen on so many levels, yet we also have those that are walking through tough times. It is a blessing for me to… Continue Reading


     I would like to suggest that your next greatest need, after those required for physical existence like water and food, might just be love. I am thinking of our need to be loved, yes all of us. Take a moment to ponder this. I am reminded each week that the vast majority of counselling… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 9-26-2019

     It has been another busy week at the Church property. You may have noticed all the trenches crisscrossing the site. These are for the installation of the utilities and communication to the buildings. The biggest answer to prayer has been locking down the primary and secondary aspects of getting electricity to the site. Now,… Continue Reading

Following Jesus Step by Step

     One of the lessons that Jesus has been teaching me over the last several years is the importance of walking with Him step by step. Now, I have also been committed to living this way. Yet, all to often I slip back into wanting to take the lead and make things happen for Jesus.… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 9-19-2019

     I want to give a shout out to Pastor Berney and all those helping with AWANA. This past Sunday we began our AWANA year. I am reminded of the vital importance of ministries like this that help your people learn God’s truth. Thank You!      I want to give a shout out to those… Continue Reading

A Thought About Heaven

     I don’t know if you have ever stopped to notice, but just about everyone has some premonition of life after death. It does not matter where I have been in the world or the different people that I have encountered in my life, it seems as if most and maybe all have this gut… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 9-12-2019

     Well fall has arrived, or at least it seems that way with the return of the fall showers. I find it an exciting time because it marks the beginning of a New Year of ministry. I am sure that once again it will be an exciting year, as we move into our 19th year… Continue Reading

Happy 18th Birthday Living Hope!

     Living Hope turns 18 this month. It is hard to believe how quickly the time has flown past! Yet many of the landmarks in ministry remind us that we have been at this for a while. It can be our first youth now raising their own families, to the loss of those early pillars… Continue Reading