- Thanks to Pastor Berney and everyone that covered the bases this Sunday. Caryl and I snuck away to Celebrate our daughters Senior Soccer Game event. I was proud of her and the privileged to stand next to her on the field with the other parents and their Senior players.
- I want to give a shout out to those that helped with the Property Work Day last Saturday. I want to thank Gordon, Mark, Cole, Cole’s friend and Joe for all that they accomplished. They were able to get a significant number of the Leyland Cypress trees in the ground. Thank You!
- We are continuing to push forward on the church site. This past week the Electricians were able to get some of the gear and meter set in place. They also got the modular wired up and got the Sewer pump done. We are just waiting for PSE to install the main power now. Please commit this need to prayer. It is the last utility that needs to be hooked up.
- I have scheduled an “Official” church Work Day for next Saturday (November 16) from 9am-noon at the property. We have something to do for everyone. We need to do some cleanup on the west property line. If you can help with this please bring a rake and if you have one, a wheel barrow. We need to clear the property line, take down some small trees and remove some old fencing. Please bring a chain saw to help with this. We need to focus on building and installing the fencing. We will need a cordless drill with 1/8” bits and drivers for square head screws. We could also use some post hole diggers and shovels. And finally we still have some Leyland Cypress that need to be planted. Any help would be appreciated. Please let Pastor Joe know if you could make it.
- Our first Quarterly Business Meeting is scheduled for Sunday November 17th after the AM service.
- We will be continuing our Operation Christmas Child through the month of November. This week we will talk more about the emphasis. There will be boxes available in the foyer. We will be encouraging each family to fill shoe boxes for this year’s drive to touch the hearts of children around the world with the love of a Christmas gift. We will have boxes available later this month. The collection deadline will be November 17th.
- Be sure to pass the word on AWANA. We are meeting at Givens Center again this year at 5:30 pm on Sundays. Let me encourage you to reach out to other families that have students in the K- 6th grade range to encourage them to attend. Please contact Pastor Berney with any questions.
- Gals, there is a Ladies Bible Study on Tuesdays at 6:30pm at the Ragsdale’s for those interested. The Guys study is Wednesdays at 7 pm. You will need to contact Pastor Berney since they rotate locations.
- The Six 8 Youth Ministries is rolling with the High School students meeting Friday evenings and the Jr. High group meeting Sundays from 5:30- 8:30. Please contact Pastor Zac with any questions.
- I have a host home for an adult small group. Please let me know if you are interested in being a part of the group, please contact Pastor Joe.
- Our Romans Road verse for this week is Romans 5:8 “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 ESV If you are struggling in this area, let me encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
- Pastor Zac will be preaching this Sunday in our series “How I Share the Gospel.” Our emphasis will be to encourage our congregation to learn and use the Romans Road presentation to share Jesus with others. Thanks for praying!