Category Archives: Uncategorized

Rearview Mirror 7-11-2019

I have been reminded this week of the spiritual battle we are fighting as followers of Jesus and as a local congregation. Our congregation has been over the top loving and caring for others but I have noticed it in several different ways. There are those that are going through incredible personal struggles that range… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 7-4-2019

It is beneficial for us to take a moment on July 4th to think about what God has done in and through our nation. I am reminded that we are facing a number of challenges, yet it is still a great country. And we are also here to make a difference. I am thankful for… Continue Reading

Am I The Problem?

     How would you answer this question? I mean, if you are like me, it is always someone else’s fault. It is hard to imagine how I could ever be wrong. And as much as I want to believe that I am perfect, the Bible reminds me that I am just as culpable as anyone… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 6-13-2019

I have been thinking about our time in 1 Corinthians 3 last Sunday. I am reminded at how important it is in my life to pause to evaluate my activities. The question I need to ask is, “Am I doing what Jesus wants me to do?” Let me encourage you to find a space and… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 5-2-2019

I want to give out shout out to Pastor Berney and everyone that made it possible for Caryl and I to get away this past weekend. We made the journey east of the mountains to celebrate the birthdays with three of our grandsons. I made a commitment to make time with my family a priority.… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 11-22-2018

Happy Thanksgiving. I want each of you to know that I am thankful for you. Our congregation recently passed the 17 year mark in September. It has been an incredible journey with the Lord. I am thankful to Him for the privilege of being a a part of what He is doing. One of the… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 11-8-2018

It is exciting to see God’s working in our congregation. I would encourage you to take a few minutes each Sunday to connect with the new individuals that have been fellowshipping at Living Hope. I would also ask you to pray for those wrestling through illnesses. It is that time of the year and it… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 7-26-2018

• I just want to give the Lord praise for CLEAT Soccer Camp this past week.i also want to say thank you to everyone that sacrificed to make this year’s camp a success. I also want to give a shout out to Coach Likius and the Men’s and Women’s players from Corban University. Thank You!… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 9-14-2016

The hearing to get our Conditional Use Permit was this morning.  Overall it went very well except for one thing, a last minute letter with several questions and issues raised by the City of Port Orchard. Our project is not located in the city, but because we are in a growth development area the City… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 8-11-2017

I hope that you have been able to stay cool. It has been amazing to me how much smoke has impacted Washington State from the fires in Canada. I want to say thanks to everyone that helped with church ministries this past weekend. Thanks to Pastor Berney for bringing the Word from Romans this past… Continue Reading