• I have been thinking about our time in 1 Corinthians 3 last Sunday. I am reminded at how important it is in my life to pause to evaluate my activities. The question I need to ask is, “Am I doing what Jesus wants me to do?” Let me encourage you to find a space and sometime this week to reflect and make any course corrections.
  • I want to give a shout out to our student ministry workers. We held our Promotion Sunday this past week. It is always exciting to see the Lord working in lives. Let me encourage you to be in prayer for our four High School graduates.  Pray that, if it has not happened yet, that their faith in Jesus would become their own. Thanks again to all who invest in the lives of our students.  
  • Guys, our next Flapjack and Fellowship is happening this Saturday June 15th. Let me encourage you to join for a great breakfast, a time of fellowship and a season in God’s Word together with other guys.
  • This Sunday we will be celebrating Father’s Day. Let me encourage you to take some time to connect with your Dad or the father figure in your life. Good dads are a rare blessing these day. We are fortunate to have a number of God seeking men at Living Hope. Let’s encourage them this week!
  • We are continuing to push forward on the site development. We still have a couple of pieces of the project like the electric service that need to be locked down. Let me encourage you to pray for the excavation that should be starting this week.  
  • The Monthly Memory verses is not only a great way to learn verses. It is also a way to meditate (think ) on God’s truth. Jesus “template” for prayer reminds us that God want to respond to our needs. “Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” Matthew 6:11–12 ESV  If you are struggling in this area, let me encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • We will be pausing our “Be Wise” series in 1 Corinthians  for Father’s Day. This week we will focus on that companion message to the Mother’s Day challenge, “Intentional Fathering.” We will spend our time in a portion of Psalm 78 that brings a powerful challenge to Dad. I do covet your prayers as I prepare for this special Sunday. Pray that the Lord would use the sermon to encourage and challenge our fathers to purse Him.