Category Archives: Uncategorized

Rearview Mirror 11-5-2020

2020 has not let us down. It reminds me of  riding “Space Mountain” not knowing what is coming next with all the twists, turns and drops. Yes we may get thrown around on a corner, feel our stomach drop out on a drop, let out a scream or scare us to death. I can enjoy… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 10-29-2020

This past week I gave away my youngest daughter to her husband. What a great day it was. Thanks to everyone that attended, those that helped out and those that prayed. The weather was great and everything went smoothly. It is always a special time to see your child cross that threshold into marriage. It… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 9-17-2020

2020 has turned out to be a crazy year. It seems like the world is falling apart around us. It is a good time to remember that the Lord is seated on the throne. While I am convinced that this is not the tribulation period, it could be the lead up to it, often referred… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 6-4-2020

     The power is on! We now have all the utilities working in the church office! We are also making progress on the Worship building. It has been a busy couple weeks, but we have continued to move forward. Please pray that we are able to expedite the Worship modular.       Ladies Discipleship group will… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 5-28-2020

     The great news is, by the time you read this, we will have power on the property and at the Office. I am thankful for each of the contractors coming together to make this happen. It was quite the process. They pulled power down the property line, installed the high voltage transformer and wired… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 3-5-2020

In the light of the Corona virus, we will be carrying on ministry as long as it is safe to do so. There are currently no incidents in our area but things could change. We are encouraging our church members to be a part of our private church media site for communication. Please contact Pastor… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 2-20-2020

Let me encourage you to remember those who are struggling in prayer. Prayer changes things. Prayer has often been described as the greatest tool in the Christian’s life.  I know that those who are struggling in our congregation would appreciate your prayers. Let me encourage you to drop them a note that you are praying.… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 1-9-2019

It is good to be back doing the Newsletter. I took a little break to attempt to dial things down over the holidays and spend time with family. It is exciting to think that we have a new year before us. It has been an amazing and busy year. Now we get to be a… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 12-19-2019

          Today, the 19th is Caryl and my 32nd Anniversary. I want to give a shout out to my wonderful wife. I love you! Happy Anniversary!      The church office will be closed between Christmas and New Year’s. Also our office hours are irregular with working on the church property. If  you have a… Continue Reading