Does My Life Really Matter?

The Jewish writer Sholom Aleichem is quoted as describing life as “a blister on top of a tumor, and a boil on top of that.” If you have lived any length of time, you know that life can not only be painful but confusing. It is easy to identify with the words of humanity’s wisest… Continue Reading


Ask yourself this simple question: “Am I fulfilled?” It is a great question for the followers of Jesus to ask themselves. We live in a culture that is pushing us to be unfulfilled. We are being told that we are incomplete with (you fill in the blank.) We often tell ourselves that we would be… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 1-11-2018

It is good to be back in the land of the living after being knocked out with the crud last week. I want to say Thanks to Pastor Berney for bringing the Word on Sunday. It was a huge blessing to me! There are many things at Living Hope that happen behind the scenes. One… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 1-4-2018

Thanks to all the birthday wishes. It is hard to believe that I turned the big double nickel this week. Looking back I realized how blessed I have been, especially since I came to know Christ 35 years ago. I hope that the Lord grants me the desire to continually have an impact for Him… Continue Reading

So Why Joseph?

The conversation today might be “Who cares about Joseph?” It seems, when we think of all the players involved in the birth of Jesus, Joseph would be the one least mentioned. Take a moment and think about it. Yet, his contribution was necessary for God’s plan to redeem men and women from sin. So let’s… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 12-28-2017

I want to say thank you to the Living Hope congregation for the special gifts given to our family. We are touched by your love and generosity. Thank You. I hope that you have had time to connect with family over the holiday. I do want to say Thanks to everyone that helpED make the… Continue Reading

So Why Mary?

Why? Why? Why? I am reminded of those days when we waited as anxious parents for our children to start talking in English. It was not long before we would be bombarded with the endless “Why?” questions about everything. Daddy, “Why is the sky blue?”  I must confess that it became a little frustrating at… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 12-21-2017

Thanks for the opportunity to get away with Caryl to celebrate our 30th Anniversary. It is hard to find the words to express my appreciation for her as God’s blessing in my life. We have found it necessary to get away as a couple to celebrate these life events. I hope that you are able… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 12-7-2017

We launched our new Christmas series last week, “What Child is This?” It is a looks a little deeper at the Christmas account by examining the significance of those God chose to use. I want to say Thank You to the families that help to share the Christmas story with our congregation. A big thanks… Continue Reading