• Congratulations to Joe and Jess on the birth of their son this week. We are excited for them and to be grandparents again. I know that they would appreciate your prayers.
  • We had a great Congregational Meeting. We were able to make several motions that were related to ministry and the development of the property. It really is exciting to be in the midst of the Lord’s working. Thanks to everyone that came out and for all the great questions. Please talk to Pastor Joe if you were not able to make it and are interested in an overview of the meeting.
  • Ladies, just a reminder that the monthly Ladies Discipleship group is this Saturday March 3, 10 AM – Noon at the Ministry Center.
  • Ladies there is still time to get plugged into the new Ladies Bible Study “Is Genesis History?” meeting on Wednesday evenings, 6:30 PM at the Ragsdales. Please contact Robin for more information.
  • Guys, there are two men’s group for you. Pastor Berney is leading the one that meets on Tuesday evening at the Ministry Center at 7pm and Pastor Joe is leading a Thursday Morning 10:30 AM group that meets at the Ministry Center. We would love to invite you to join us.
  • I have been really noticing an impact this year as I have renewed my commitment to memorizing Scripture. I mentioned this past Sunday about the renewed sense of spiritual power in my life as the Lord is bringing verses to mind that I have learned. Our new verse for March MMV (Monthly Memory Verse) is a short but powerful verse “Better is a handful of quietness than two hands full of toil and a striving after wind.” Ecclesiastes 4:6 ESV It contains a powerful message for us today. Let me encourage those of you with smart phones or tablets to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • This week in our “Fulfilled!” series, we will be moving into Ecclesiastes 6. Solomon struggles, as we do, with all the things in life that just don’t make sense. It is easy for us to fall into this trap when we take our eyes off God and His working in our lives. Our study titled “When Life Does Not Make Sense!” in our Fulfilled! Series. It seems like each week is full. Your prayers are beneficial not only in helping me to minister to others and handle the things that come up but also in allowing God to work in me through His Word. Thank you for praying!