by joe | Apr 17, 2020 | Newsletter
It is interesting being a displaced congregation for a season. I have been reminded that the church is His people and not a building. The building is a tool for us to be His people and to do ministry. It is exciting to see the Lord working even as we struggle...
by joe | Apr 9, 2020 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
I hope that the desire of each follower of Jesus is to become like their Lord. What I mean is a desire to reflect Jesus kind of thoughts, to speak Jesus kind of words and to perform Jesus kind of actions. Yet, I am afraid that an incorrect understanding of...
by joe | Apr 9, 2020 | Newsletter
We truly are living during an interesting time. Our lives and way of living are being reshaped right before our eyes. Who would have thought that on Easter Sunday church buildings would be all but vacant. I would concur with some that we may be living through one of...
by joe | Apr 2, 2020 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
It is interesting to see how my grasp of spiritual maturity has developed over the years. This past March I celebrated my 38th year as a follower of Jesus. And, yes, God has had his proverbial hands full with me (actually all of us). It has taken me a long time...
by joe | Apr 2, 2020 | Newsletter
I am by nature and introvert and so is my wife. Yet, we have both remarked about how we are missing our regular social interaction. I am really missing connecting with our congregation on Sundays. I am missing the limited interaction with our family. So if you...
by joe | Mar 26, 2020 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
I wonder what Jesus would say to His followers at a time like this? I am sure it would be something like, “Hey, take a deep breath, trust me, I’ve got this!” It is easy to forget that one of our many blessings is that Jesus walks with us during those dark times!...
by joe | Mar 26, 2020 | Newsletter
It has been another interesting week as we have experienced a number of changes related to the Governor’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” orders. We are all shuffling through trying to figure this all out. Let me encourage you to take time, as they say, to smell the roses. I...
by joe | Mar 19, 2020 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
I hope that you are finding time to get into God’s Word. We are living through an interesting time in human history. A friend who is a little older than me commented, “I have never seen anything like this before!” I would have to concur. It is the uncertainty...
by joe | Mar 19, 2020 | Newsletter
It is crazy how quickly things can change. It has been a busy couple weeks for me working through changes with our Sunday school use suspended and then setting up an online service this past Sunday. I want to say thank you to everyone that has helped and those that...
by joe | Mar 12, 2020 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
Maybe you have been in a context where someone has said, “Let’s talk about something other than the Corona virus!” It has captured our attention and focus. Anything that contributes to sickness, hardship and death should be a priority. I do want to encourage you...