Rearview Mirror 3-19-2020

It is crazy how quickly things can change. It has been a busy couple weeks for me working through changes with our Sunday school use suspended and then setting up an online service this past Sunday. I want to say thank you to everyone that has helped and those that participated. I know that it… Continue Reading

Quarantine Can Be a Blessing!

     Maybe you have been in a context where someone has said, “Let’s talk about something other than the Corona virus!” It has captured our attention and focus. Anything that contributes to sickness, hardship and death should be a priority. I do want to encourage you with a few blessings for you and your family.… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 3-12-2020

Most of you have probably heard that South Kitsap School District has suspended facility use for all outside groups. This suspension is in effect until April 3rd at which point the situation will be reevaluated. We will be moving our service to a digital live stream with Facebook live on our Living Hope Facebook Group.… Continue Reading


     Now if the title caught your attention, you may be responding in one of several ways. Maybe you are the person that could care less. Or maybe you are on the other extreme almost on the verge of panic. The unfolding news over the last several weeks of the virus has hit home and… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 3-5-2020

In the light of the Corona virus, we will be carrying on ministry as long as it is safe to do so. There are currently no incidents in our area but things could change. We are encouraging our church members to be a part of our private church media site for communication. Please contact Pastor… Continue Reading

Embracing the Bad with the Good!

     It seems like we have become more black and white as a culture. No, I am not speaking of racism but our perspective on life. I feel like we have fallen into the trap of over simplifying life by trying to make an either/or option. I would describe this as binary thinking. It is… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 2-26-2020

I do not know if you have been following the Coronavirus (Corvid-19) that is now spreading around the world. Things are not looking good. First, let me encourage you to pray for the situation and especially that the message of Jesus would be shared. Second, let me encourage you to consider taking steps to prepare… Continue Reading

Can’t You See God Working?

     Maybe you are like me; I have several open thoughts running in my head about God and the way He works at any one time. I have been pondering over the past weeks how God is working even when we do not see it. Let me share a personal example and a Biblical one… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 2-20-2020

Let me encourage you to remember those who are struggling in prayer. Prayer changes things. Prayer has often been described as the greatest tool in the Christian’s life.  I know that those who are struggling in our congregation would appreciate your prayers. Let me encourage you to drop them a note that you are praying.… Continue Reading

Have I Stopped Living for Jesus?

     This is one of those questions that we need to ask ourselves regularly, “Have I stopped living for Jesus?” Now the question is not asking if you stopped being a “Christian.” It is not asking if you are not doing Christian things. But it is asking, have I stopped living for Jesus? The Bible… Continue Reading