Category Archives: Newsletter

Where is My Hope?

     I am reminded that our lives are filled with many expectations. There are many things that we look forward to. I know that it could be the weather, especially if we have something important planned. It is interesting to consider that our hope, our expectations can influence our perspective on life. It is easy… Continue Reading

My Perspective Does Make a Difference

     I was recently reminded of how our perspective on life situations influences our responses.  A recent conversation was on the difference between a seller’s perspective and the buyer’s. It is interesting that both desire the same thing but with different outcomes.  Normally the seller desires to get the best price, that is, the highest… Continue Reading

The Power of My Words!

     I have recently been thinking of the importance of “words.” It is one of those aspects of life that would be difficult to live without. Yet, it is one of the areas that we probably do not think about very much. Believe it or not the Bible has much to say about the importance… Continue Reading

Why Prayer Meeting Matters!

     We live in a sophisticated time. We are living in a time of advancement never enjoyed before in human history. Thinks about all the different advancements of our time. I never cease to be amazed at the advancement in medicine. We take heart surgery for granted and think nothing of traveling to space. Yet… Continue Reading

Am I A Religious Hypocrite?

     I came across a meme on one of my media feeds that corresponded with my Bible reading. It read, “A huge problem for Christians is the secular mindset that singing songs at church is more holy than the work that we do during the week.” You can imagine that the post drew a good… Continue Reading

Who Is My King?

     How would you answer the question, “Who is your king?” It is an interesting question, because thoughts of Kings and Kingdoms are no longer part of our vocabulary. The reality is that our answer to the question does reflect who the authority is in our lives. So, “Who is your king?”      I have… Continue Reading

Do Not Be Taken Advantage Of!

     I am never surprised at how deceptive those that want to take advantage of others can be. In fact, just as I was getting ready to write this article, I received an email claiming an issue with my account. It was spam with no description of an account, just an attachment to open. I… Continue Reading

Am I A Successful Christian?

     Living in a success driven culture, I need to ask myself if I am a “successful” follower of Jesus. Now you may never have thought about this, but I would bet that it is a part of your life. It is most easily seen in how we act and talk when we are around… Continue Reading