Will I Be an Andrew?

I love watch domino displays, you know the kind where you trip the first one and then it trips the next all the way down the line. It is amazing how complex these displays can be, and when they work properly all the dominos topple one by one. We take for granted that once started… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 3-16-2017

I have really been enjoying preparing for our new series “Life Lessons” from the life of Jesus. I would encourage you to join us this Sunday as we look at another account and allow the Lord to speak into our lives. The Youth Mall Hunt is this Sunday. I want to say thanks in advance… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 3-9-2017

I am continually reminded of the blessing of being a follower of Jesus. This past week (March 2nd) I celebrated my 35th year as a follower of Jesus. There have been absolutely no regrets. I am so thankful that someone took the interest to share the message of Jesus with me. I’ve given my list… Continue Reading

Be Faithful When Raising Kids

I can remember the challenge of those days of rounding up 4 young children and getting them ready for anything let alone church attendance. It was even more challenging in our home because the burden fell on my wife. My duties as the Pastor required me to be there early and stay later. There were… Continue Reading

The Harvest of Faithfulness

Have you noticed that we live in a culture of instant gratification? I am pretty sure that all of us have been impacted. We complain when drive thru service is not fast enough, or if the line is too long at the store, or if someone does not respond to our text message quick enough.… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 3-2-2017

I want to say congratulations to the four people that were baptized this week. It was exciting to hear how the Lord has been working in your lives and the role that Living Hope has played in that. We are praying for you to continue to grow in the Lord. I want to say Thanks… Continue Reading

Embracing the Blessing of Work

Most of us know the chorus of the famous country song “Take this Job and Shove It” by Johnny Paycheck. I am sure that many of us, at one time, have entertained the thought of being able to leave the job that we were doing. Yet, we should not be surprised that God never intended… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 2-23-2017

It was good to be back to visit family this past week. I want to say thanks to everyone that stepped in to help out while I was gone. We had a great time seeing family on the other side of the country. Thank You. There are a couple of exciting things happening this weekend.… Continue Reading

God VS Money

I was recently thinking about Jesus’ admonition, ““No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” (Matthew 6:24)  His pointed final statement reminds the follower of Jesus that he… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 2-9-2017

It sounds like everyone survived the snow storm this week. I am thankful that everyone is doing well. Hopefully this is the last storm before Spring. Just a reminder, if you have a need for help don’t hesitate to contact Pastor Joe. The Ministry Center, which normally has very stable power, may also be available in… Continue Reading