So Why Shepherds?

Announcements are big things in our lives.  There are many things in life we announce from a new job to having children. The more significant the announcement the more important it is to think through who gets notified first. Have you ever wondered why the first people to know of the birth of Jesus were… Continue Reading

The Cost of Pride

We live in a world that is driven by image, personal image. Several years ago I had the privilege of “borrowing” a brand new Corvette for a short time. Let me say that it was an incredible car and was a blast to drive… but it had a far more insidious impact on me. It… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 11-30-2017

I love the Christmas season. I love just about everything about it. I love giving gifts. I love all the decorations. I love the special events. But I especially love the reminder that God cares for us and demonstrated it by taking on human flesh! This Sunday we will begin our Advent Celebration. Each Sunday… Continue Reading

The Cost of Un-Thankfulness

It seems like we are expected to complain about something. What would we talk about if we were not whining about something or someone. Yet what we fail to grasp is the personal and relational cost of being unthankful. Let me offer a simple question. “Have you given thanks today more than you have complained?” … Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 11-22-2017

I want to say Thank You for all that you do for the Lord. I am thankful for those of you that are part of our ministry up close and for those of you ministering from a distance. I hope that you will be able to set aside some quiet time to reflect on all… Continue Reading

The Cost of Poor Parenting

If you are bold enough to grow in this area of your life, I encourage you to read on. I hesitate to write an article on poor parenting for a number of reasons. First, everyone thinks that they are a good if not great parent, so they think these articles are for other parents. Second,… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 11-16-2017

It is humbling to be continually reminded of how the Lord works. I want to say Thank You to everyone that attended the 1st Quarter Business Meeting Sunday afternoon. We had a great attendance and a chance to discuss where we are as a ministry and on developing the property. There was also a great… Continue Reading

The Cost of Little Faith

The motto of many people in life could be “show me.” They are unwilling to try something new or embrace change for the fears of leaving the comfortable. But Jesus challenged His followers again and again with “follow me.” These two simple words call us on an exciting adventure! The sad reality is that because… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 11-9-2017

I want to thank Pastor Zac for bringing the message this Sunday. I find the passage of Peter getting out of the boat incredibly challenging and a wonderful blessing at the same time. I appreciate Pastor Zac’s and Pastor Berney’s role in shepherding our congregation through God’s Word. This Sunday we will be celebrating Veterans… Continue Reading

The Cost of Self-Focus

We live in a culture that encourages and promotes us to focus on ourselves. We are encouraged to focus on what we want. We are told we need to look out for ourselves. I have even heard the Bible misinterpreted to say that “before we can love someone else we must first love ourselves.” I… Continue Reading