Does Grace Erase Consequences?

Does Grace Erase Consequences?

I have talked to many people over the years that have been wronged. When I have spoken to them about the need to forgive, the response, “I could never forgive them!” And then they offer a reason such as, “I could never forget.” Another response might be “If I did they...
Does Grace Erase Consequences?

Rearview Mirror 8-9-2018

Family Camp is here and you are invited to join us out at Lake Cushman. The official dates for this year’s camp is  August 10th-12th. We are encouraging those not able to camp to join us on Saturday August 11th for a day of fun. Bring stuff to eat, relax and have fun...
Does Grace Erase Consequences?

Joy in the Midst of Difficulty

I was recently asked “Why do I not have joy at work?” The question was driven by having to work with a difficult coworker. I think that most people have faced the challenge of working with others that make the workplace difficult. The collateral damage is that these...
Does Grace Erase Consequences?

Rearview Mirror 8-2-2018

I want to say Thank You to Pastor Berney and everyone else that covered the bases as I got away for a couple days of vacation to Eastern Washington. It was great to be able to spend time with some of our family. Thank you. Just a final reminder that Family Camp is...
Does Grace Erase Consequences?

Who is in the Driver’s Seat of Your Life?

I have to believe that all of us want God’s blessing in our lives. I was recently reminded of Jesus’ guidance on how to be in that spot in our lives. Now, I am not talking about life without problems. I am talking about a life that that has peace that flows from...
Does Grace Erase Consequences?

Rearview Mirror 7-26-2018

• I just want to give the Lord praise for CLEAT Soccer Camp this past week.i also want to say thank you to everyone that sacrificed to make this year’s camp a success. I also want to give a shout out to Coach Likius and the Men’s and Women’s players from Corban...
Does Grace Erase Consequences?

What KIND of Person Will I Be Today?

I was wondering, when was the last time that you were intentional about being kind to others? When was the last time you woke up in the morning and said I’m going to be kind to those that want to cut in line at the store? When was the last time you chose to be kind to...
Does Grace Erase Consequences?

Rearview Mirror 7-19-2018

Wow, It has been another exciting week. The Lord has blessed our 15th annual soccer camp. We have seen growth in both of our camps again. It is humbling for me to be a part of the CLEAT Soccer Camp. I have been reminded continually of the incredible sacrifice made on...
Does Grace Erase Consequences?

Am I Grateful?

I have realized in my life how easy it is to become spoiled with the creature comforts of life. Take a minute to stop and think about how spoiled we have become in life. We often fail to see that we redefine our needs as wants. One of the characteristics I have...
Does Grace Erase Consequences?

Rearview Mirror 7-12-2018

It is an exciting time at Living Hope. We are gearing up for this year’s soccer camp. It is exciting to think that we have been serving our community with this camp for about 15 years. Please pray! Just a very last minute reminder that it is imperative that you have...