• I want to say Thank You to Pastor Berney and everyone else that covered the bases as I got away for a couple days of vacation to Eastern Washington. It was great to be able to spend time with some of our family. Thank you.
  • Just a final reminder that Family Camp is next week August 10th-12th. We are at the group site at Skokomish Park on Lake Cushman. It is really a great location and perfect for a church family camp. I hope you will be able to join us camping or for the day. You can check out the Camp Brochure or talk to one of the pastors. If you cannot join us, please consider coming out for the day on Saturday. We will plan on a fun day together, a meal (bring some food) and a service around the camp fire.
  • These are exciting days at Living Hope and there are many thing happening with the development of the property. We successfully submitted our SDAP (Site Development Activity Permit) this week. We are also working on a number of related items. We have OK’s for the installation of the access. We are waiting for it to be scheduled. There are many other details in the works. The Lord is working.
  • We need to be praying for the completion of the sale of the Ministry Center. We are also preparing for the coming transition. We are going to need a ton of help packing up the Ministry Center. We are hoping to do some “spring cleaning” as well. Many of the tasks can be split up and done at your convenience. If you are able to help, please contact Pastor Joe.
  • We have a couple higher priority needs that you might be able to help with. First, we are in need of a volunteer to help with our financial ministries. If you have a desire to help in this area please reach out to Pastor Joe or Nathan F.  We are also looking for an additional volunteer to help in the office with putting the Sunday bulletins together.
  • A review of the news each day has reminded me of the growing need for follower of Jesus Christ to be gracious to others. I have chosen a shorter but powerful verse as a reminder to be a testimony for Jesus . So our August Monthly Memory Verse (MMV) is ““Do all things without grumbling or disputing,” (Philippians 2:14 ESV)  If you are up for an extra challenge I would encourage you to join me in memorizing verse 15 too! “that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,” (Philippians 2:15 ESV) I really encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • This Sunday in our series from 2 Samuel “Letting God Use Me” we will focus on “Learning to Be Accountable.” The sad truth is that we often make a bad situation worse by not owning it. One of the aspects that I admire about King David is that he took responsibility for his failures. I do covet your prayers as I fulfill God’s mandate to preach the Word. God is using your prayers to speak into my life so that He can speak through me to others. Thank You.