• This weekend we celebrate a number of things unofficially. We celebrate the end of summer. We celebrate, well at least some parent do, the return to school. Others will celebrate a three day weekend. What we are officially celebrating is remembering those that have given their lives for our country and the freedoms that we enjoy. Let me encourage you to take a moment with your family to give thanks for those that have sacrificed for our nation.
  • One of the great aspects of Living Hope is you! It is all the great people. I have been humbled to be part of such a great church family. It is something that I see each Sunday and almost every day of the week. I am so proud of our congregation and how God is using us. It also excites me to think about the future.
  • I want to give a big shout out to Kendra D and the other leaders that helped with the KidsZone Fun Day this past Sunday. What a great time to connect outside the context of a Sunday School class. Thank you for your ministry.
  • I want to say Thanks to the people that have started helping with packing up the Ministry Center. Tyna has been busy with getting the conference room library boxed up and indexed. I also want to say thanks to Kathy, Nina, Sheila, Anna and Andrew for their commitment to help. We have started to digitize our paper records. We made a huge dent the first day in actions. It will be a huge blessing to have these files archived and not have to move full file cabinets! Thanks to everyone that is helping out. If you are interested in plugging in, please contact Pastor Joe. We will need help in packing up the kitchen too.
  • I am excited about the sale of the Ministry Center. Now, it is not final until the deal closes but it is exciting to see the progress being made. We are simultaneously making progress on the property. Keep your eyes open for the new highway access that will be installed later in September.
  • I keep posting this because this is an important need. Would you join me in praying for the help needed with our financial ministries? If you have a desire to help in this area please reach out to Pastor Joe or Nathan F.
  • This Sunday we will launch our MMV for September. This month we have chosen Romans 8:27. It is a verse that reminds Jesus followers of their true identity. ““No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37 ESV)  If you are needing some accountability with working on your verse please check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • This Sunday in our series from 2 Samuel “Letting God Use Me” we will take a look at the people in David’s life that were a blessing in those difficult times. I’ve titled the sermon “Learning to be Loyal.” We cannot escape that part of being a follower of Jesus is focusing on relationships.  It means that we need to be people of our word. People that others can count on. It is then that God will work through us in the lives of others. Thank you for praying. Your prayers are making the difference!