Ready to Vote!

You don’t have to be too involved in our world right now to know that things, politically, are a mess. Now part of it is stimulated by the run up to a contentious election. But I am not talking about one parties’ perspective but the atmosphere of near hatred between the opposing positions. I guess… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 11-1-2018

I happen to be back in Pittsburgh visiting family as I write this to you. I want to ask you to take time to pray for our nation and to remember those that are suffering from the shooting at the Synagogue here. I am reminded of Jesus words to his followers in Luke 18:1 “And… Continue Reading

Will I Leave a Legacy?

It is easy to be consumed with the crazy busyness of our lifestyles. I was recently reminiscing on our schedule with five school age kids living at home. It was a phase when our schedules were dictated by family activities. You know- get this child to this and pick up another child at that and… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 10-25-2018

Time is running out to be a part of the Operation Christmas Child emphasis. You can start dropping off your boxes on Sunday. You will also want to register and pay the $9 fee online. We will have more boxes this Sunday for those that were not able to pick them up this past Sunday.… Continue Reading

Will Jesus Use Me?

I would hope that it would be the desire of every follower of Jesus to be used for His purposes. This is not always the case for a number of reasons. One reason that I have observed over the years has been a lack of understanding of how God uses people. It seems our tendency… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 10-18-2018

It is exciting to see the Lord working at Living Hope in so many different ways. First, it was great to Kick-Off our monthly men’s breakfast, Flapjacks & Fellowship. We had a great time. I understand that the Ladies Ministry Kickoff also went well.  There are many new faces each Sunday, so take a moment… Continue Reading

Finding Freedom by Giving Thanks

I don’t know if you have noticed but most people are oozing with negativity. No, I am not talking about the national media stuff that seems to be constant. I am speaking about just everyday life. It seems that almost all conversation focuses on what is wrong with something. It could be your car, yourself,… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 10-11-2018

I just want to encourage you to support those in our congregation that are going through tough times. Obviously our prayers should come first, but let’s take it a step further with a note, an encouraging word or an act of kindness. Ladies THIS FRIDAY October 12 at 6:30 in the Ladies Ministry Kickoff at… Continue Reading

Will I Let Jesus Use Me?

I would have to believe that most of us would like to avoid conflict, especially when we are being attacked. And this is true when it involves being a witness for Jesus. All too often we allow the fear of others to mute our witness for Christ. The result is that our culture is robbed… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 10-5-2018

The entrance to our property is in! This marks the beginning of a number of changes to our property as we develop the site of the next several months. Would you join me in praising the Lord for his faithfulness? Ladies the Kickoff is here. Friday October 12th at 6:30pm at Ferguson’s. The new Ladies… Continue Reading