I want to say Thanks for everyone that joined us to go caroling this year. The most heart touching moment was seeing the faces of many in assisted living homes light up when we asked them to join us in singing. I also want to shout out to Pastor Zac for making a killer stew. If you missed it, you really missed out. There is something special about singing Christmas Carols!

 I think the men’s group has set a new tradition with the tool gift exchange. We has a great time Saturday. Guys, the next Flapjacks & Fellowship will actually be a Friday and Saturday Video Conference. You will need to set aside the dates of January 25th and 26th.

 I just wanted to remind everyone that our Annual Christmas Eve Service is from 6pm-7pm on Monday, December 24th at Marcus Whitman. Let me encourage you to invite family and friends to this special service that focuses on the Biblical account of Christmas.

 We have also planned a little after-Christmas celebration with a New Year’s Eve party. We are still planning on using the Ministry Center at this point. You will want to join us from 5pm – 10pm for a time of fun and fellowship.

Our next 101 Membership Class is coming up fast. It is scheduled for Saturday, January 12 from 9am – 3 pm at the Ministry Center. Lunch will be provided.

I want to thank everyone for sticking around Sunday after the AM service for a brief meeting. I will be going to the auction mentioned with the intention of purchasing a modular to be used as an office for the church property. I do appreciate your prayers for the event tomorrow, Thursday at 1:30 PM.

Don’t forget to pray for the Youth as they head out to the Teen Leadership Conference at the Young Life Washington Family Ranch outside of Antelope Oregon. They will be heading out December 27th and returning on the 29th.

 I know that some of you are struggling with memorizing Bible verses. I have chosen to have us memorize the popular and meaningful passage of Psalm 23. It speaks to all of us. This month our verse is Psalm 23:3. It is an easy verse that you need to commit to memory. “He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3 ESV  Let me encourage you to memorize all 6 verses of Psalm 23. If you are needing some accountability with working on your verse please check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)

We will continue our “Abounding in….” Christmas series as we look at the Shepherds. The focus will be on the importance of humility! Our culture is enamored with popularity but God’s uses those that are humble. The sermon title will be “Abounding in  Humility.” Thanks again for praying!