Rearview Mirror 6-6-2019

I want to make a plug for a study in 1 Corinthians “Be Wise.” Wisdom is something that all of us can use more of. It speaks to acting like a follower of Jesus in real life situations. It is exciting to see how the Lord works when we put God’s truth into practice, as… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 5-30-2019

I hope that you were able to spend time together with those important people in your life this past holiday weekend. Also, let’s not forget the sacrifices that have purchased our freedom. The Soccer Camp mailer was dropped off at the Post Office on Tuesday. We had the mailer prepared for us which made a… Continue Reading

Taking Control of My Life

     It is easy to get lost in the influences in our lives. The influences could involve media like online media, video games or even a news channel. They can also include a favorite TV program and of course our friends. It usually does not take long before these life focuses become empty. This is… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 5-23-2019

I want to thank everyone that was able to participate in the Annual Meeting Sunday afternoon. We took care of several items of church business and had a chance to talk about the property moving forward. I want to congratulate Skip Ragsdale as our new Trustee. Caryl Parkinson and Kendra Darnell were voted into a… Continue Reading

Why Wisdom Matters!

     I have noticed that there is a significant misunderstanding about being smart and being wise. It is easy to think that these two terms describe the same thing but that is not true. Smart, speaks of a person’s intelligence. It can be reflected by someone’s intellectual accomplishments or their knowledge of something. Wisdom on… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 5-16-2019

Wow, what a great weekend. Thanks to everyone that joined us Sunday to honor Moms! The great news this week is that we have obtained our Site Development Activity Permit. Our permit was approved at our Pre-Construction meeting on Tuesday at the county. The work on the site continues to move forward. The excavation with… Continue Reading

Thanks Mom

     We are told that this weekend, our communication system, will face their highest volumes all year long. The event that causes the burden on our nations phone system? You guessed it, Mother Day. This Sunday is a holiday that has been set aside to honor moms!      Thinking through the vital role that mom’s… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 5-9-2019

We are looking forward to being home at Living Hope this Sunday as we celebrate Mother’s Day. This past weekend we celebrated our youngest daughter’s graduation from Corban University. It is hard to believe that our youngest child has received her Bachelor’s degree. It was a good time for our family to celebrate with Sarah.… Continue Reading

Why My Actions Matter!

     I am sure that many of us at some point have been told to “Do as a I say, not as I do!” We may have even used that with our own children. The underlying positive aspect to that statement is to listen to those authorities in our lives. The negative aspect is that… Continue Reading