• I want to give a shout out to everyone that is helping with Soccer Camp. It begins next Monday. Let me encourage you to continue to pray for this year’s camp. If you have signed up to help and for some reason have not been contacted, would you please reach out to Pastor Berney or me (Pastor Joe).
  • Here are some highlights for the week of Soccer Camp. The first day we are starting early and asking those helping with setup to be there at 7:30AM. The registration team is asked to be there at 8 AM and ready to begin registration at 8:30AM. We are needing the the Coaches and Assistant Coaches to on-site and ready to go at 8AM. The times will be adjusted later for the rest of the days.
  • There will be a meeting for the Coaches and Assistant coaches this Sunday at Heritage Church located in the mall. The meeting will begin at 4:30pm Sunday July 21st. We have asked all coaches and assistance coaches to be in attendance.
  • Thanks to everyone who donated snacks for this year’s camp. If for some reason you still need to drop something off, please get them to Sarah S. before Saturday.
  • The Sunday Celebration is a potluck with the church providing the hamburgers, hot dogs, condiments, and table ware. We are asking families to bring a Salad and a Dessert. The picnic lunch is scheduled to begin about 12:15 PM on the field.
  • A big thanks to Pastor Zac and all the adults (11 total plus 9 students)  that helped make this year’s Mall Hunt a success.  Ask Pastor Berney about being a tree!
  • I never cease to be amazed at God’s timing. If there is a prayer request for our congregation at this time, it is reflected in our July verse, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Matthew 6:13 ESV   If you are struggling in this area, let me encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • This Sunday we move to 1 Corinthians 8 in our message “Be Wise About My Viewpoint.” This section calls us to be careful about how we communicate our opinion in areas of our faith. We are reminded to allow space for others to be different and even space to grow. This has become more important especially since we live in a polarized and opinionated culture.  I have been thinking about the spiritual nature of communicating God’s truth.  Your prayers are the spiritual power behind the Lord working in our midst. Pray that He would first work in me!