Rearview Mirror 10-22-2020

It is going to be an interesting fall to go along with a remarkably interesting year. The one thing that we can count on is uncertainty and probably some craziness. I am so thankful that I have the Lord. When it comes to the Wuhan virus we need to remember that the Lord has numbered… Continue Reading

Thank You – Permits (Part 2)

     It is amazing the perspective that time gives us if we will let it. It might have been naïve to think that finding and purchasing property was the hardest step of the process of getting our own site, but God had much to teach us as church. The permitting process has helped us learn… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 10-15-2020

I am reminded in life that there are those thing that we control and those that we do not. I can “work” on the areas that I can control but I have to leave the others to the Lord. This is true for our building. There is no new update on the Worship modular building… Continue Reading

Thank You – Site Purchase (Pt. 1)

     It is easy to become discouraged with all the negativity that is swirling these days. These can be difficult days when we cannot see God’s hand at work. So, I always appreciate those seasons where God’s involvement is absolutely unmistakable! This past weekend was one of those times as we held a Ground Breaking… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 10-8-2020

Let me just let everyone know there will not be a live service yet. We will be livestreaming on Sunday at 10am like the past weeks. We have a couple hurdles that we have to jump before we can have regular services on site. We are working diligently to make live services an option. Please… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 10-1-2020

Today, as I write, I am reminded of God’s faithfulness to our church. I am speaking of God’s faithfulness related to getting into a building of our own. It is hard to imagine that the process began back in 2015. In March 15, 2015 we began negotiating on the current property that would be purchased… Continue Reading

Time to Grow Up!

     Is it just me, or are we are a culture seeming to be locked into immaturity? It seems to be evident all around us like the driver that blows a cork because there was an accident.  I watched a guy throw a temper tantrum in Costco checkout because he did not have a tax… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 9-24-2020

I am reminded that “rain” in the Bible was viewed as a blessing from the Lord.  This has definitely been true for our community. It is a small reminder that those aspects of life we struggle with are actually a blessing from the Lord. The big thing this weekend is that Church Work Day on… Continue Reading

Is God Punishing Me?

     I wonder if you have ever questioned if God was upset with you. Maybe you questioned why did your car break down now? Was God trying to get your attention? These are great questions. The answer to this question is a qualified yes. The Bible reminds us that our heavenly Father will and does… Continue Reading