by joe | Oct 28, 2021 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
Looking back over my life I have had many of my hopes dashed. It could have been hope that my favorite team would win a championship. It could also be the my hope for myself or another person that was unrealized. If my understanding of hope is...
by joe | Oct 21, 2021 | Newsletter
What a blessing it is to be a part of Living Hope. It is humbling to witness God’s working in individual’s lives in so many different areas of our ministry. One of the greatest blessings is seeing the hunger to know God and His word. I personally enjoy the...
by joe | Oct 21, 2021 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
I have been thinking much about the benefits of our freedom to choose. Recently we were praying and someone prayed for our freedom. It struck me that the follower of Jesus is free regardless of their life situation. This leads us to ask ourselves, “What are my...
by joe | Oct 14, 2021 | Newsletter
It seems as if my thoughts, as I have mentioned to others, is that we are here at this time for a specific purpose. I am excited for what the Lord can do in us and through us as we work together for the “faith of the gospel.” I want to say Thank You to everyone that...
by joe | Oct 14, 2021 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
One of the greatest blessings in life is living a life that is worth living. Our family likes to camp, but I am not sure that I would enjoying doing it all the time. The same holds for vacations and others activities. I enjoying getting away for a break, but if it...
by joe | Oct 6, 2021 | Newsletter
This past Sunday was a wonderful day! I am so glad that we rescheduled the event. I was reminded of how much Living Hope has been blessed by the Lord. I know that many of you were encouraged as well. I want to thank everyone that celebrated with us Sunday whether...
by joe | Oct 6, 2021 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
It is time for followers of Jesus Christ and the church of Jesus Christ to move forward. I continue to hear of churches that are being torn apart over differences of perspective. This is nothing new as we have record of the same thing happening in the churches of...
by joe | Sep 30, 2021 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
If you are struggling with what you are hearing and the direction that things are going, you are not alone. This should be the feeling of Jesus’ followers. The Bible reminds us that there is a good reason for the dissidence of heart for those...
by joe | Sep 30, 2021 | Newsletter
Lord willing we will celebrate our 20th Anniversary as Living Hope! I hope you will join us and invite others for this special day. Pastor Dave Lunsford will be our guest speaker. We will also be hosting a church potluck following the AM service. The church will be...
by joe | Sep 24, 2021 | Newsletter
I am excited that we have rescheduled the 20th Anniversary Celebration for Sunday, October 3. Please spread the word. Pastor Dave Lunsford will be with us for our special day. We will also be hosting a church potluck following the AM service. The church will be...