·  I hope that you are growing in the Lord and experiencing the joy of your relationship with Jesus! It is a wonderful time to be alive, not because the times are that great. What makes it wonderful is that we, those that belong to Jesus, are in His hands. We can trust Him for whatever the future holds (Romans 15:13).

· Fall Stewardship Emphasis. Last week we kicked off our Annual stewardship emphasis. We are encouraging those impacted by what the Lord is doing at Living Hope to become a part of supporting the ministry financially. We would like to raise an additional $2000 per month towards general fund giving as well as receive a one-time for our church sign. We are going to need about $10,000 to move forward on the church sign (This amount is in addition to the gift from received from Northwest Baptist Home Mission. The offering and commitments will be received at the Sunday November 21 services.  

·  New Ladies Bible Study Group.  A new ladies group is in the works. Gals if you are interested in connecting and studying the Word be sure to fill out the bulletin insert or contact Caryl P for more information.

·  Baptism Service. I have had a conversation with those considering Baptism. If you are interested please contact Pastor Joe.

·  Media Ministry Opportunity If you are interested in helping with the media presentation and/or production on Sunday mornings, please contact Pastor Joe.

·  AWANA 5:30pm- 7:30pm for students in the K – 6th Grades. Someone recently mentioned to me how our new facility has enable our program to go to the next level! This is great way to introduce new families to Living Hope. Contact Pastor Berney for specifics.

·  Adult Bible Study is meeting on Tuesday evening at 7 PM at Admin Building.  The study is a sermon based discussion lead by Thom B.. If you are interested in going deeper in the Word, why not check it out?:.

·  Prayer Meeting is Wednesday evening 7:00 pm in Admin Building. We are seeing prayer make a difference as we are committed to marching forward on our knees!

·  Men’s Bible Studies, both AM and PM meet on Thursday at 10am and 7PM respectively. Pastor Joe’s 10 AM group is a sermon based study and Pastor Berney’s 7 Pm group is studying Ephesians. It is exciting to see our men growing in their relationship with the Lord!

·  Six-8 The plans for Youth Group are in place. I will let you know once we have a confirmed day of the week locked down.

·  Thanksgiving –Soup, Bread and Pie Potluck Sunday November 21st following 2nd AM Service. It is a great time to fellowship, connect and celebrate the Lord’s blessing upon us this past year. We are asking each family to bring soup, bread and a pie to be shared for the event.

·  Congregational Business Meeting, Sunday November 21 following the church potluck. The business meeting will be a quick update on the ministry and church finances. We will also be voting on a retro-active church budget for the 2021-2022 ministry year.

·  Our Monthly Memory Verse(s) for November is a reminder to set our hope in the Lord. It also aligns with our new sermon series for November. “For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.” 1 Timothy 4:10 ESV I strongly encourage you to develop a system for memorizing Scripture. It could be using 3×5 cards or even an app. Let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android)

·  We will be in week two of our “Intentional Spiritual Impact” series. It is part of our Annual stewardship emphasis as we encourage each of us to consider making an investment in our church for the next 12 months. This week we will be looking at how infrastructure is essential for doing the Lord work in our community. I do appreciate your prayers for my time in the word and for the Lord’s continue blessing on our ministry!