• It seems as if my thoughts, as I have mentioned to others, is that we are here at this time for a specific purpose. I am excited for what the Lord can do in us and through us as we work together for the “faith of the gospel.” I want to say Thank You to everyone that is a part of Living Hope. We need you!
  • It is exciting to see and get updates of the difference ministries happening each week. It is fulfilling for me to see the building use increasing!
  • 101 Discovering Church Membership Class Saturday October 23rd 9:00AM – 3:00PM. If you are interested in learning more about Living Hope, this is the CLASS for you. Please let us know if you are planning to attend. Lunch will be provided. Sign-up in the bulletin.
  • Six8 Youth Group parent meeting Monday October 25 7PM in the Admin Building for parents of Jr and Sr High students. We will be discussing the plans for the new structure and seeking parent input for the new group starting this fall.      
  • AWANA 5:30pm- 7:30pm on Sunday evenings for students in the K – 6th Grades. Someone recently mentioned to me how our new facility has enabled our program to go to the next level! This is great way to introduce new families to Living Hope. Contact Pastor Berney for specifics.
  • Adult Bible Study is meeting on Tuesday evenings at 7 PM at Admin Building.  The study is a sermon based discussion lead by Thom B.. If you are interested in going deeper in the Word, why not check it out?:.
  • Women’s Disciple Group #2  Wednesday mornings 10AM in the Admin Building is currently open for those ladies interested in investing in their relationship with the Lord. Contact Caryl P for more information.
  • Prayer Meeting is Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm in the Admin Building. We are seeing prayer make a difference as we  are committed to marching forward on our knees!
  • Men’s Bible Studies, both AM and PM meet on Thursdays at 10am and 7PM respectively. Pastor Joe’s 10 AM group is a sermon-based study and Pastor Berney’s 7 Pm group is studying Ephesians. It is exciting to see our men growing in their relationship with the Lord!
  • Our new Monthly Memory Verse(s) for October is a reminder to “Look to the Lord” (our new sermon series.) “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1–2 ESV  I strongly encourage you to develop a system for memorizing Scripture. It could be using 3×5 cards or even an app. Let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android)
  • Our “Looking to God!” series is a study focused on strengthening our understanding of God. Our focus over the next three weeks we be on the essentials of “Living by Faith,” “Living with Hope” and “Living in Love.” Pastor Barry will be preaching this Sunday. I know that he would appreciate your prayers as he prepares! Prayer makes a difference.