by joe | Jan 25, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
Have you noticed everywhere you go it seems like retailers are trying to up-sell you something. These additional promotions appeal to our earthly nature. Probably the most common is when a fast food establishment asks you “Would you like to up-size your order?”...
by joe | Jan 18, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
Life never ceases to be confusing! It seems like it has a way of interrupting the calm waters of smooth sailing. It is easy to conclude that these times are unnecessary but God’s Word reminds us that actually nothing is further from the truth. The reality is that...
by joe | Jan 12, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
Jesus has incredible balance in all areas of His life. He provides for us an example and a challenge to follow in His footsteps. If, you are a follower of Christ, like me, you have to wrestle with your relationship and involvement in culture. Our tendency is to...
by joe | Jan 5, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
I wonder if every generation has felt overwhelmed at times with living. It could be deadlines at work. It could be the constant care required by a child or elder parent. It could be the burden of maintaining all our stuff. There are many reasons that we become...
by joe | Dec 29, 2022 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
It is interesting to consider how the calendar can make a lasting impact on our lives. I am thinking of the New Year. There is a psychological motivation that results from the change of one year to the next each January 1st. The entrance of a New Year for many...