I think most of us can appreciate high wire acrobatics. There is something exciting when a trapeze artist lets go to do a flip and grab their flying partners hand. It really gets exciting when they do this with no safety net. I personally have a hard time watching those doing extreme tight rope walking between buildings hundreds of feet above the concrete with the wind blowing. Yes, there is a huge reward and emotional rush but the consequences are fatal. It broke my heart to hear about a free climber (no safety gear) that slipped and fell. The sad truth is that many people live their lives that way without a relationship with Jesus. Thinking about this, I remembered a verse that reminds the follower of Jesus that He is our safety net.

     The verse is “The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” (Deuteronomy 33:27a) The meaning of the verse is obvious and significant for the follower of Jesus. In common slang, it means that God has our back! We live in a world that hits us on all sides with situations and circumstances that remind us of our vulnerability. Where does a person turn during these times? What can they hold onto through these seasons of life? Where can they find hope to keep moving forward? The answer is in the verse, “in your relationship with the Creator.” Now stop and think about this for a moment. Life challenges are easier to embrace when you know that you have a safety net.

     One of the challenges with teens is helping them to take ownership of their lives. Yes, it is easy as a parent to step in and solve the challenge for them, but they miss out on the opportunity to mature. I have had several conversations, especially in the areas of college finances, where I have encouraged my kids to use their money first as we trusted the Lord to supply the need. I then said, “Mom and I will safety net you.” I would remind them that while we wanted them to take the lead on this we were not going to let them fail. It seems to me that the Lord does the same thing in our lives. He has our back.

     I first heard this verse from Caryl’s mother on the old stick on return mail label with the verse. Talking with her, she mentioned that it was her parents’ verse as Missionaries in India. Caryl shared that she remembered it as a sign that was on the dash of their jeep in India!

     The Lord wants you to know that if you belong to Him, then He will be your safety net. Yes, He wants you to walk by faith and trust Him. Yet, when things get out of control, He has you covered. You can find your strength and peace in your relationship with the Creator. He is your safety net.

-Pastor Joe Parkinson