We are told that this weekend, our communication system, will face their highest volumes all year long. The event that causes the burden on our nations phone system? You guessed it, Mother Day. This Sunday is a holiday that has been set aside to honor moms!

     Thinking through the vital role that mom’s play in the life of the marriage, family and even our nation my thought turned to one of the most well-known mothers in the Bible. The woman I am thinking of is none other than Jesus’ mother Mary. Let me honor all moms with a few observations from Mary’s life.

     Your mother plays a God given role in your life. Think about this with me. God could have chosen any way He wanted to enter creation. God’s intention from the very beginning was to use a mom. Just as God used Mary, he uses all moms to nurture and train their children. It is commonly believed that the admonition given to fathers by the Apostle Paul also includes mothers, “ bring [your children] up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4 God did not give the responsibility of raising children to the village, educators, politicians or even youth pastors. He gave the responsibility to parents, moms and dads.

     The story of Mary reminds us that mom will do the hard things for their children. Mary, more than likely faced the ridicule and reproach of a pre marriage pregnancy. She would also have to watch her son suffer and die to pay for the sins of humanity. Think of all the times that your mom did the difficult for your benefit. Many times she put aside her own desires and wants so that you could benefit. She did this because she loves you more than you could ever understand.

     Mary modeled for her son and other children what it meant to be a follower of Jehovah. She willingly embraced the news that she would be a mother of the Savior. The consistency of her commitment to God was demonstrated in the practices of her life (and Joseph’s too). There is very little that we know about Jesus’ early childhood. I believe it is safe to assume that His mother played a significant role in preparing Jesus for what was coming. How many habits, values, lessons and even spiritual insights are a part of your life today because of the input of your mother. God has used your mother to help shape you into the person that you have become.

     Mary stuck it out. Just like your mom, she did not always get everything right but she did not give up. It is our understanding that her husband Joseph died and we see that even as a single mom she did not give up. Think back on the time when you were a brat, rude and undeserving. It is during those times that it is often your mom that is there to help you along.

     I realize that for some memories of childhood are painful. Yet, I am sure that in most situations you could find some positive influence that your mom had in your life. Maybe the woman of influence was another, an adopted mom. Whether you were raise by a mom like Mary or not this weekend is a time to put the Scriptures into practice, “Her children arise and call her blessed;” (Proverbs 31:28)  This Sunday, pick up the phone and give her a call , or if your mom is local, stop by to show your appreciation. I would like to say to my mom, and mothers everywhere, Thank You for being My Mom!  Happy Mother’s Day!

-Pastor Joe Parkinson

This article is a reprint of Thanks Mom from May 3, 2011