• We are looking forward to being home at Living Hope this Sunday as we celebrate Mother’s Day. This past weekend we celebrated our youngest daughter’s graduation from Corban University. It is hard to believe that our youngest child has received her Bachelor’s degree. It was a good time for our family to celebrate with Sarah. She is planning to stay working towards an MBA while using her soccer eligibility.
  • I just want to give a shout out to all the AWANA workers and parents. Thank you for another year of ministry. AWANA is one of those ministries that can be challenging for family. It represents a major commitment on the part of families and the leaders. Yet, it is making one of the greatest investments, getting God’s word into the lives of children. Thank You
  • Just a reminder that the new Moms Group kicks off with a Play Day on Thursday May 9th 10 AM. Let me encourage you to be a part of this time of encouragement. This is a great opportunity to connect with other moms!
  • A Ladies Game night is planned for Friday May 10th 5 pm at Sutherland’s.
  • We will be celebrating Mother’s Day on Sunday May 12th during the AM service. We will also be doing a Child Dedication during the service for those interested. Please contact Pastor Joe.
  • Guys the next Men’s Flapjacks and Fellowship is schedule for Saturday May 18th at 8am at the Church Office.
  • Our ladies will be hosting a baby shower for Sheila on Saturday May 18th at 1pm at Nina’s house. I know that the Ladies Ministry team is planning a shower a month for those that are expecting…exciting times.
  • Let me encourage you to plan for our Annual Business Meeting which will be Sunday May 19th at 6pm at a location to be yet determined. We will be voting on a Trustee position, the annual budget as well as discussing the next steps on the site development. There are many exciting things that are happening. It is also a great time to ask questions and provide input.
  • I would like to memorize the Lord’s Pray over the next three months. This means that our May Monthly Memory Verse will be two verses in Matthew 6:9-10. I realize that this is a fairly well known verse. The value for you and me working on these verses is that it reminds us daily of God’s character and the necessity of prayer. ““Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:9–10 ESV) If you are struggling in this area, let me encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • The property stuff is flying forward. Our Pre-Con meeting (Pre Construction) meeting was delayed due to additional documents needed. We are back on track and waiting to schedule a meeting so that the permit can be issued and the work started. Our permit application for the modular office is also moving forward. We are currently waiting for one additional form so that application can move forward. One of the cool things that happened is we received a donation of 10 landscaping trees that will be needed for the site. Please continue to pray.
  • This Sunday I want to speak of the importance and priority of mothers. Mothering is a hard and many times a thankless sacrifice. And yet that mom that puts Jesus first has an incredible impact upon the world. This Sunday I want to take some time to elevate the God-given role of mothering. I covet your prayers as I prepare for Sunday.