• We had a great 101 Discovering Church Ministry CLASS this past weekend. It was good for me to go over what Living Hope is all about. I was also reminded of God’s faithfulness to our ministry over the year and challenged for the work yet to be done in our community. I want to say thanks to those that participated in the class and I am excited for those that will becoming members in the days ahead.
  • Guys, just a reminder that the Men’s Simulcast is next weekend Friday February 2nd and Saturday February 3rd at the Ministry Center. The Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference was such a blessing last year that we decided to do it again. Please let Tony S or Pastor Joe know if you are able to attend. You will not regret it.
  • There will be NO  Six-8 Youth group meeting this Friday.
  • Gals, there is still time to get plugged into the new Beth Moore study “Anointed, Transformed and Redeemed.” This study from the life of David meets Wednesday evenings at the Ministry Center.
  • The Scramek’s will be opening their home this year for a Superbowl Party. Feb. 7th at 3pm at 4184 SW Stanwick Way, Port Orchard. Drinks will be provided.  Bring your favorite snack.  If you have questions call Zac or Carol at 903-891-6772
  • We will be focusing on Romans 12:3 this Sunday in a message titled, “Discovering the Real Me.” Our verse reminds us that real life transformation happens when we embrace who we are in Christ. It is too easy in our society to think too highly or too lowly of us when what is needed is a balanced view. Please pray that the Lord would speak powerfully through the message this Sunday and individuals would be set free from a wrong view of themselves.