•      It has been another busy week at the Church property. You may have noticed all the trenches crisscrossing the site. These are for the installation of the utilities and communication to the buildings. The biggest answer to prayer has been locking down the primary and secondary aspects of getting electricity to the site. Now, all the utility stuff has been worked out and after a couple inspections the trenches will be filled back it. This means that we are getting closer to wrapping up the site work.
  •     We are in need of help with the property. There are several projects that need to be accomplished before we can obtain an Occupancy permit for the Office. The highest priority needs will be installing fencing and also landscaping. We are also needing help with hooking up the plumbing.  The last one is building the ramp to access the office. It you have these skills and/or are available to help with any of these, please contact Pastor Joe.
  • Ladies, the Women’s Ministries Fall Kick-Off is scheduled for Saturday September 28. Be sure to sign up to attend and what you will be bringing for the potluck. There will be inserts in the bulletin again Sunday.
  • Be sure to pass the word on AWANA. We are meeting at Givens Center again this year at 5:30 pm on Sundays. Let me encourage you to reach out to other families that have students in the K- 6th grade range to encourage them to attend. Please contact Pastor Berney with any questions.
  • The Six 8 Youth Ministries will also start up their school year schedule with the High School students meeting Friday evenings and the Jr. High group meeting Sundays from 5:30- 8:30. Please contact Pastor Zac with any questions.
  • I have received some interest in an adult small group. Please let me know if you are interested in hosting or being a part of the group, please contact Pastor Joe.
  • Let me encourage you to reflect on Psalm 100:1-2 for our services this Sunday. Our Monthly Memory Verse for October is, “Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!” Psalm 100:2 ESV  A powerful reminder about the need to serve and worship with the right attitude. If you are struggling in this area, let me encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • This Sunday we will be focusing on Part 2 of our short series on Psalm 100. We will be focusing on the second great truth in this Psalm. God is good. This is a second reason that the Psalmist offers for us to be celebrating our relationship and worship of our Creator.  I do appreciate your prayers each week as I split time between the property and my preparation for Sunday.