• I want to give a shout out to Pastor Berney and the AWANA team as we launched one of our most important ministries for the new year. It is exciting to see the growth of a ministry whose goal is to teach the Word of God. Let me encourage  you to help out and pray for this vital ministry.
  • We are in waiting periods for the Property and Ministry Center. The one item of interest is that the property access that has been surveyed was supposed to be started yesterday but has been postponed to the beginning of October.
  • The team working on digitizing our paper files is doing an outstanding job and we are making good progress. If you are available to give an hour or two a week we would love to have your help in expediting the process. Please speak with Pastor Joe. We are also still looking for a volunteer to help pack up the kitchen.
  • I am amazed at how the Lord answers prayer. I want to ask you to pray for another important need, that is someone to help with our church finances ministry. We are really need two volunteers, one that could help with the deposits and another that could help with the payables. These are needs that would require about an hour a week.
  • Our MMV for September is Romans 8:27.  It is a powerful reminder of our relationship with the creator! ““No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37 ESV)  If you are needing some accountability with working on your verse please check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • Once again, this week, King David’s example will speak into our lives. This week we will be challenged by one of the most gracious acts a follower of Jesus can do, offering forgiveness. He will now be restored as King after Absalom’s coupe had been defeated. There were several that took opportunity to take cheap shots at the King when he was down. Now as David has been restored he does not take revenge, instead he offers forgiveness. What a powerful lesson to us as we deal with the challenges in our lives to overcoming bitterness. If we are going to be the people that the Lord uses we need to “Learn to be Forgiving.” Please pray that the Lord works in me and our congregation on this life changing aspect of Christianity.