• I want to give a “shout out” to George and Tyna Hansen. It was great to have a “third” service on Sunday as they renewed their vows. I also wanted to thank them for providing lunch after the ceremony. I also want to thank all our people that rolled up their sleeves to help out. Thank You. I know it was a huge blessing to George and Tyna. Who will be next?
  • This Sunday Pastor Tom Ruhlman and his wife Becky will be with us Sunday August 29th. It is very special to have Pastor Tom speak in our new facility. He and Becky have played a significant role in my life as a young man pursuing ministry. It is great to have him be a part of our fellowship this Sunday.
  • Looking ahead, be sure to put September 12 on your calendar. We will be celebrating 20 years of the Lord’s faithfulness to our church. We are busy working through plans for this special day. Be sure to put it on your calendar as we launch the 2021-2022 year of ministry as well!
  • The decision was made to do a church Potluck Cookout for our 20th Anniversary. The church will be providing hamburgers and hotdogs, dessert and tableware. We are asking each family to bring a main dish and a picnic salad. Don’t forget to bring your own lawn chairs as we will be eating outside weather permitting.
  • Prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings will be taking a summer break. Our Prayer meeting will resume on Wednesday September 22 at 7pm at the Ministry Center.
  • Both Men’s Bible Studies are also taking a summer break. The Men’s groups will launch on Thursday September 23, 10am and 7PM.  
  • It is exciting to see our different ministries gear up for this fall. Our Ladies Ministry will also be kicking off on Saturday September 25. Ladies, let me encourage you to put this event on your calendar as we wrap up Summer and move into Fall.
  • We are looking for an individual to update our “Prayer List” spreadsheet that we distribute each week. We are in need of someone to verify and update our government officials on the list. If you could help us with this please reach out to Nina or Pastor Joe.  
  • Our Fall couples Bible study is gaining momentum. We have a couple leading and a host home to get started. There are a number of couples interested. Let me encourage you to put this on your calendar for the fall if you are not already involved in a study. Please let Pastor Joe know if you are interested.
  • Pastor Zac has some great Six8 Youth Ministry events happening this summer. The Jr & Sr Groups are meeting together for events. Please check the bulletin for the summer schedule or contact Pastor Zac.
  • This is our last Sunday for our August Monthly Memory Verse, 2 Corinthians 9:6 Paul reminds us that our investment for Jesus will produce a harvest. “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” 2 Corinthians 9:6 ESV   I strongly encourage you to develop a system for memorizing Scripture. It could be using 3×5 cards or even an app. Let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android)
  • Pastor Tom will focus on 2 Corinthians 11 as we continue our series on Authentic Ministry. I know that he would appreciate your prayers as he does extra study to jump into our Celebrate Summer Series. Thank you so much for your prayers!