• I want to give a shout out to all those that helped this Past Saturday at the church work day. I also want to say thanks to those that have been helping during the week. We are making great progress. Thank you.
  • Work Day #2 Saturday 8:30AM – Noon. It has been a busy week for me getting ready for our Work Day. We are pushing to get the last bit of the landscaping completed on the East property fence line. We could use all the help we can get. Our priority is to finish spreading the bark at the property entrance, installing weed barrier along the rest of the East fence line and then if time allows spreading the basalt landscaping rock. We also have 30 Leyland Cypress trees that need to be planted. It would be great if you and or your family are available. Bring tools like shovels, rake and wheel barrows if you have them.
  • I am excited that we have several guest speakers lined up over the next couple months. Two of them have had a great influence in my life and also an impact in our ministry. I am excited to have Pastor Mark Suko with us on Sunday August 8th for both services. He will be contributing to our Authentic Ministry series by covering a passage from 2 Corinthians.
  • Looking ahead, be sure to put September 12 on your calendar. We will be celebrating 20 years of the Lord’s faithfulness to our church. We are busy working through plans for this special day. Be sure to put it on your calendar as we launch the 2021-2022 year of ministry as well!
  • Several people have expressed interest in a Couples Bible Study. The plan is to start in late September. Please let Pastor Joe know if you are interested.
  • We have two Men’s groups that are meeting. Pastor Berney leads a Thursday Evening group 7:00 pm at the church studying the Minor Prophets. Pastor Joe’s Thursday Morning Men’s group meets at 10 am in the Admin Building.
  • Six8- July 25 Outdoor Movie 8-11pm at Zac and Carol’s. Bring a comfortable lawn chair. I will be making popcorn! Movie TBD. Please contact Pastor Zac for more information.
  • Our July Monthly Memory Verse is found in 2 Corinthians 5:21. It reminds us that we have been saved to live for Jesus “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21 ESV  I strongly encourage you to develop a system for memorizing Scripture. It could be using 3×5 cards or even an app. Let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android)
  • I hope our study in 2 Corinthians has been a blessing to you and your family. I have personally been enjoying the powerful reminders related to “Authentic Ministry.” I am also excited about how the Lord is going to work through our church in the days ahead. This Sunday we move into 2 Corinthians 5. It reveals the Biblical attitude about dying. Spoiler Alert. Death is not the end for believers but a promotion from a broken body and a broken world to enjoy the presence of the Lord for eternity. I appreciate your prayers for me as I prepare for this week. It will be a tough sermon since I have been working on memorizing this chapter for the better part of a year. Your prayers are making a huge difference.