• I want to make a plug for a study in 1 Corinthians “Be Wise.” Wisdom is something that all of us can use more of. It speaks to acting like a follower of Jesus in real life situations. It is exciting to see how the Lord works when we put God’s truth into practice, as hard as that can be at times.
  • I want to thank those that have already responded to help with Soccer Camp. We still need plenty of help especially Coaches and assistant coaches and also with the daily registration. It would be a huge help to know if you are available. Please respond on the insert in the flyer or just reach out to Pastor Berney.
  • Ladies, there is still time to be a part of the Ladies Discipleship Group that is meeting  this Saturday, June 8th, at the Sutherland’s home.
  • This Sunday, June 9th, is our promotion Sunday for our students ministries. We will be promoting the Kidszone classes as part of the service. We also want to give a shout out to our 4 graduating Seniors: Elizabeth Hansen, Brandon Lopez,  Makala Lopez and Ryan Pawlowski. Also be sure to pray for our graduates as they move forward to the next step in their lives.
  • Guys, our next Flapjacks and Fellowship is scheduled for next Saturday, June 15th at the church office.
  • Just a reminder that Father’s Day is just around the corner. Let me encourage you to make it a point to do something special for your Dad. Good Dads are a special gift.
  • I mentioned on Sunday that we had a window broken in the modular on the property. It is one of those things; fortunately, there was no other damage to the modular. The contractor mentioned that they hope to begin clearing once they get the first inspection on the site done. I’m praying that it gets started this week. I have not heard anything on our building permit for the modular. Please continue to pray for these items and the project.  
  • This month for our memory verse we will be taking the next section from the Lord’s Prayer. This means that our June Monthly Memory Verse will be two verses, Matthew 6:10-11. Remember that the Lord’s prayer is a template prayer. This means that each verse represents a category of praying. Be sure to take time as you work on this verse to bring your needs before the Lord.  “Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” Matthew 6:11–12 ESV  If you are struggling in this area, let me encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • Our next message in our “Be Wise” series will take us into 1 Corinthians 3. It is a challenging passage because Paul calls the believers in Corinth to step up their walk with Jesus. It is a powerful passage that calls us to make a difference in the time that we have. The title of the message is “Be Wise About My Practices.”  I appreciate your prayers as I wrestle with this next chapter. It is my desire that the Lord would speak to me and then through me. God is using your prayers to make a difference in life each Sunday. Thank You