·  This past Sunday we launchsd the Advent Season as we focused on the deeper meaning of Christmas. We have provided some resources for our families to help in doing just that. We have some Advent Calendars that include a paper “tree ornament” of each day leading to Christmas. We also have a devotion that would be great for families with kids as well as a book on “Joy.” We are offering one of these resources to each family. If you would like one please contact Pastor Joe or pick on up this Sunday.

·   New Members Welcome. I want to give a shout out our new members! It was good to be able to welcome them into our growing church family.

· Ladies Christmas Party, this Friday at 7pm at the Ministry Center  

Baptism Service. We have tentatively scheduled a Baptismal Service for Sunday December 19 at the 10:30AM Service. If you are interested in or have questions about baptism, please contact Pastor Joe.

·  Christmas Caroling. We are encouraging you to join us as we go Christmas Caroling to contact within our congregation on Sunday January 19. We will be meeting at the church at 3PM. We are asking our congregation to provide that names of those whom we could visit. We are asking families to bring cookies for a cookie fellowship following the caroling. We will not be giving cookies to homes that we visit this year.

· Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Friday December 24th 6PM. We will be celebrating our Christmas Candlelight Service in the new building.

· Christmas Sunday Service, will be celebrated on Sunday December 26th at the 10AM service.  

· Media Ministry Opportunity If you are interested in helping with the media presentation and/or production on Sunday mornings, please contact Pastor Joe.

·  AWANA 5:30pm- 7:30pm for students in the K – 6th Grades. Someone recently mentioned to me how our new facility has enabled our program to go to the next level! This is great way to introduce new families to Living Hope. Contact Pastor Berney for specifics.

·  Adult Bible Study is meeting on Tuesday evening at 7 PM at Admin Building.  The study is a sermon based discussion lead by Thom B.. If you are interested in going deeper in the Word, why not check it out?

·    Prayer Meeting will resume next week Wednesday December 1 7PM in the Admin Building.

·  Men’s Bible Studies, both AM and PM will resume on Thursday December 2 at 10am and 7PM.

·  Six-8 Meets of for Youth Group on Tuesday nights at 6PM in the Ministry Center. Please contact Pastor Berney with any questions.

·  Our Monthly Memory Verse for December reminds us to focus on impacting others with our graciousness. “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25 NIV84  I strongly encourage you to develop a system for memorizing Scripture. It could be using 3×5 cards or even an app. Let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android)

·  This Sunday we continue our Christmas series Christmas – A Season of Hope with a focus on the account of Joseph from Matthew’s Gospel. Our message will be “A Season for Trust” as we work through Joseph’s challenges and response. I appreciate your prayers for Pastor Berney as he brings the message this Sunday. The Lord is working because of your prayers. Thank You.