•      Let me encourage you to give yourself plenty of margin for the things you need to get done. This will hopefully keep us in the right frame of mind so that we can minister to others with kindness.
  •      The church office will be closed between Christmas and New Year’s. Also our office hours are irregular with working on the church property. If  you have a need please contact a pastor directly on their cell phones.
  •     We are in a holding pattern on the church property. Several of us have been busy building fencing that needs to get done. We also have submitted for a final inspection on our SDAP. This is the first step to getting things wrapped up. We are still waiting for power. Please keep praying.
  •      A big thanks to the Nelson’s for leading us this past week in the Christmas Advent.
  •     Our church Caroling party is this Sunday December 15th at 3PM. We are planning to  leave from the Church Office  and meeting at the Ungureanu’s home afterward. We will be receiving cookies donations for cookie plates to be given to those we carol too. We are asking those that plan to stay for the meal to let us know so that we can plan. We will also be soliciting names of shut-in and others that we can visit. Please use the insert in the church bulletin.
  •      It is not too early to begin to reach out to your friends and others about attending our Christmas Eve Candle light Service. It is hard to imagine that this may be our last Candlelight service at Marcus where we have held it since 2001.
  •     Gals, there is a Ladies Bible Study on Wednesdays at 6:30 at the Ragsdale’s for those that are interested. The Guys study is Wednesdays at 7 pm at the Hansen’s. You will need to contact Pastor Berney.
  •      We will be finishing off our memorization of Psalm 100 with verses 4 and 5 for December. “Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.” (Psalm 100:4–5 ESV ) If you are struggling in this area, let me encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • This Sunday, in our Christmas series “Waiting For Jesus,” our focus will be on “A Time for Joy.” Our attitude, that flows from our relationship with God, sets us apart from others. This Sunday we will be digging into the deeper story of  joy at Christmas. Thanks again for your prayers during this busy time of the year.