• Thanks to everyone that helped out with the Potluck this past Sunday. I really enjoyed the chance to sit down and enjoy a meal with others from our church. I hope you were able to do the same. There is something very sweet about spending time with God’s people. It is something that we do not do enough of.
  • This next week is a big week for our nation. Just a continual reminder to pray for our nation as we move closer to the Presidential Election. Our election process is part of what makes our nation great. It allows for opposing views to be presented and then voted on instead of an armed revolution. Pray.
  • We are planning a 101 Discovering Church Membership CLASS for those interested in learning more about Living Hope. The class is tentatively schedule for Saturday November 19th at the Ministry Center, 9am-3pm, lunch will be provided. Please contact Pastor Joe with any questions.
  • Guys, we will be taking a group of Men to the on day Iron Sharpens Iron event in Auburn this Saturday November 5th. There is still time for you to go. We will be leaving from the Ministry Center at 8AM if you are interested in joining us. The conference cost is $59. Contact Pastor Joe for more information.
  • Our Operation Christmas Child boxes are now available after the AM service. This is an incredible opportunity to share Christ’s love with children around the world. It is incredible to think about the impact that a shoebox filled with a few items can have for Jesus.
  • Our Christmas Wreath sales is another important Christmas Outreach. 100% of the costs for the Christmas Wreaths goes to funding the Annual Teen Leadership Conference over Christmas break. The wreaths will be delivered the Thanksgiving Sunday.
  • We start a new three week series this week, “God’s Got My Back” as we focus on three areas that we need to be reminded that God is in control and that we can trust Him. This week, with the elections next week, we will be focusing on what the Bible has to teach us about God’s Sovereignty and our Government. I hope you will pray for me as I prepare and for the impact of God’s Word as we are reminded that we can trust Him.