• The entrance to our property is in! This marks the beginning of a number of changes to our property as we develop the site of the next several months. Would you join me in praising the Lord for his faithfulness?
  • Ladies the Kickoff is here. Friday October 12th at 6:30pm at Ferguson’s. The new Ladies Bible study will launch October 10th at 6:30pm at  Ragsdale’s. There will be no Ladies Discipleship group this month because of the. Ministry Kick-Off.
  • Guys, we have some exciting men’s ministry opportunities coming up. The first will be our “Flapjacks and Fellowship” event at the Ministry Center, Saturday October 13th at 8am -10am. We will be enjoying both a physical feast and the spiritual feast as we enjoy breakfast and a time in God’s Word that focuses on how to understand the Bible.
  • This will be no High School youth group this week but keep it on your calendar for next week. The Sr. High Youth will be meeting at Pastor Zac’s on Friday nights and the Jr High students will be meeting at the MC on Sundays at 5:30pm. Please touch base with Pastor Zac for specifics.
  • We are in that waiting period on the MC sale and with the property development so there is nothing new to report. I am sure that it will get very busy all at once!
  • Just a heads up to plan ahead for using the Ministry Center. The volunteers have been working hard to get things ready for the move and there are work stations and items spread out.  We are making great progress but could use more help with scanning and packing the kitchen. Please speak with Pastor Joe.
  • We have a huge need for someone to help with Church Finances. If you are interested it would only be 1-2 hours a week.
  • I have selected a popular and powerful verse for our MMV for October.  It is a verse that reminds us of God’s shepherding in our lives. “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1 ESV  Let me encourage you to memorize all 6 verses of Psalm 23. If you are needing some accountability with working on your verse please check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • We only have three weeks remaining in our study in 2 Samuel “Let God Use Me.” This week King David will remind us of the necessity of Thankfulness in the lives that God uses. I do covet your prayers. They are the power behind God’s working in my life and our church. Thank you for praying.