There is a huge difference between a leader and a non-leader. The non-leader is the one that complains when things get tough. The leader, on the other hand, acknowledges the challenges and asks, “How do we fix this?” The crumbling families in our culture need Dad’s and Mom’s that will be leaders. All marriages face challenges, it is just part of bringing two different people together. All families face challenges with children because children are little people just like dad and mom. It is easy to complain and run from challenges. A leader will acknowledge the challenge and move toward working it out.


We often fall into the trap of thinking that if we are not the “boss” at work or have an official position in life, then we are not a leader. That is just not true. Leadership is commonly and accurate defined by the word influence. Anyone that it is in a position of influence is in a position of leadership. This is especially true for dad and mom. What we have a tendency to forget is the importance of your family. Jesus reminds us of the importance of marriage and the family when we says, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”” (Matthew 19:4–6)   What Jesus is communicating is the importance of healthy marriages. Healthy marriages, ones built on commitment and sacrifice, are the building blocks for a strong family. Strong families are the foundation for everything God intends to do including strong churches and strong nations. When we mess with the marriage and the family, the church and the nation is undermined. The one truth I want you to think about is the vital necessity for you to be a leader in your home.


I was reminded of the importance of leadership in the home in my recent studies of Titus 2:2-6.  First, leadership in the homes is built on a solid grasp of God’s Word. The apostle Paul reminds Titus, “You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine.” (Titus 2:1) Sound doctrine speaks of the core truth of Christianity. This calls leaders to have a good understanding of God’s Word, because it will guide us.  Second, Paul provides a practical list of areas that make older men, older women, younger men and younger women leaders in their marriages and homes. Let me encourage you to take a few minutes and click on the link above.


I was hit by the reminder that leadership is not necessarily calling the shots but rather modeling the truth. The emphasis for those older, some think those 60 and over, is to be veteran Christians, those that have lived out the truth and because of that are now in a position to encourage others.  I would encourage those in this group to connect with those that are younger. Share what God has taught you through walking with Him through your life experiences. I would also encourage those that are younger to seek out these older veteran believers for what they can glean from their wisdom and life experiences. I would also challenge those that are younger to set a goal now to one day be the older Godly man or older Godly women. This goal is accomplished by living for Jesus now.


-Pastor Joe Parkinson