Category Archives: Uncategorized

Rearview Mirror 11-28-2019

     Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that you will make the most of your time together this holiday season with friends and family. The dinner prayer is a great time to lead others in reflecting on the blessings in their lives this past year.      Looking ahead on the church calendar we have a number of… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 11-14-2019

     I want to give a “Shout Out” to those that have helped with the Property this past Saturday and Monday. We were actually able to get a lot done. We were able to do a significant amount of clearing on the West property line for the fence. We were also able to get a… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 10-31-2019

     A huge “Thank You!” to everyone that have prayed and participated in the “Step in Faith” campaign. It is incredible to see how the Lord has worked through our congregation.  Also just a reminder that our emphasis is for 12 months, so there is still time to be a part of what the Lord… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 10-17-2019

     We continue to see exciting things happening on the church property. I want to give a shout out to those that helped with the workdays this past Friday, Saturday and Monday. We were able to figure out installing the fencing and planting the trees along the property line.  If you have some time and… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 10-3-2019

     It is a blessing for me to be a part of Living Hope. I am continually humbled at that Lord’s working in our midst. We are seeing so many great things happen on so many levels, yet we also have those that are walking through tough times. It is a blessing for me to… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 9-5-2019

     This fall is the launch of our 19th year of ministry. I want to give a shout out to everyone who keeps Living Hope rolling. This month is a time to celebrate the Lord’s faithfulness over the last 18 years and then to step by faith into the 19th. September is the time when… Continue Reading

Overcome Conflict with Kindness

     It is natural for conflict to feed conflict. This is observable in every arena of life. The smallest of children will lash out at a sibling that takes their toys and the oldest of adults justify being mean towards someone that hurt them. The results of unmitigated conflict are escalation rather than de-escalation or… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 8-29-2019

One of the greatest blessing of Living Hope is our church family. A healthy family is a wonderful blessing as we draw together to help each other out. I want to give a shout out to the Stancliff’s on the new additions to their family. I want to encourage you to pray but also to… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 8-1-2019

It has been another exciting week. The Office Modular has been moved to its home on the church property and has passed the installation inspection. The site is looking real good. It is exciting to see things coming together. I want to give another shout out to everyone that had a part in this year’s… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 7-18-2019

I want to give a shout out to everyone that is helping with Soccer Camp. It begins next Monday. Let me encourage you to continue to pray for this year’s camp. If you have signed up to help and for some reason have not been contacted, would you please reach out to Pastor Berney or… Continue Reading