Category Archives: Uncategorized

Rearview Mirror 7-22-2021

I want to give a shout out to all those that helped this Past Saturday at the church work day. I also want to say thanks to those that have been helping during the week. We are making great progress. Thank you. Work Day #2 Saturday 8:30AM – Noon. It has been a busy week… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 6-3-2021

It is good to be back. I want to give a shout out to everyone that covered the bases while Caryl and I got away for some vacation before her back surgery. We had a great time. We do covet your prayers for her. Just a reminder that we make it a point to pray… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 5-13-2021

I want to give a shout out to everyone that made it possible for Caryl and I to get away before her surgery. We had a great week, once we got on the road, hitting some old and new favorites on the Olympic Peninsula. Just a reminder that we make it a point to pray… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 4-29-2021

It is good to be back home this week. I want to give a shout out to the guys and gals that have been helping to get the new site in shape. I just want to say Thank You. The ladies had a great time at this past weekend’s Ladies Retreat. I never cease to… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 4-22-2021

I want to give a shout out to Pastor Berney and everyone that made this past Sunday happen. Caryl and I were blessed to make a trip back East to visit my family. It was an incredibly special time for us. I was once again reminded of the importance of family relationships. Thanks to everyone… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 4-1-2-21

I heard of a car manufacturer that changed their name to begin with the word “volts” from “volks.” They later came out saying it was an April fools prank and more like a marketing stunt to promote their move to electrical vehicles. Well this is not an April Fools joke- that we will hold our… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 3-18-2021

WooHoo! It is hard to imagine that March 15, 2020 was the last public service at Marcus Whitman Jr. High. There were several times that we thought this day would happen over the last year that did not. I am reminded that God’s timing is always perfect. Let me attempt to respond to one of… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 2-4-2021

I am so thankful that the Lord is in control. I know that this is a fundamental truth for those of us that follow Jesus, but it never grows old or irrelevant! This week at the property the HVAC Air Scrubbers were installed. It is amazing technology that is used by NASA to clean the… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 12-17-2020

I want to say thank you to everyone that has pulled together to help with the building, praying for the building and giving towards the building. I am excited to have the building open for the Christmas Eve Open House with the lights and heat on. I want to give a shout to Thom B… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 12-3-2020

It is hard to believe that we are now into the Traditional Christmas Season. It just does not seem the same. I am reminded that if we stripped away all the social events and extras of the cultural Christmas celebration that we still have something to celebrate. The First Advent of Jesus was a fulfillment… Continue Reading