Category Archives: Pastors Blog

Am I A Success?

     The culture is continually pressing us to adopt its definition of “success.” Just look at the advertisements. All it takes to be successful is the purchase of their product. Investors on the other hand promise financial success with a purchase of precious metals or their inside trading insights newsletter. Then there is our mirror,… Continue Reading

Wah Wa Wah Wa

    It is interesting to see all the memes based on the way that Charlie Brown’s cartoon teacher communicated. One response from Lucy to Charlie Brown is “Psst… are you getting any of this?” I am sure that there are times that all of us might feel like that when reading our Bible, or listening… Continue Reading

Perspective for Difficult Times

    I do not need to say that good times are good and difficult times are difficult. This life includes both, and it almost seems that they follow each other like the hills and valleys of a summer road trip. What is harder is when in the valley of difficult times to see God’s hand… Continue Reading

Am I Missing God’s Working?

    Human sight is amazing in a lot of ways, particularly in how your sight is designed to prioritize certain areas over others. You have probably never considered that you do not “see” all the image that your eye collects at the same resolution. Consider the difference between what you focus on in great detail… Continue Reading

Three Ways to Die, One to Live!

     It has been a blessing to our congregation to have a facility of our own. We are now into our third year. One of the challenges has been keeping the landscape plants growing. With the hundreds of plants, we have kept up in keeping them alive. Yet, at this time of the year, there… Continue Reading

Many Ways to Die, One Way to Grow!

     It has been a blessing to our congregation to have a facility of our own. We are now into our third year. One of the challenges has been keeping the landscape plants growing. With the hundreds of plants, we have kept up in keeping them alive. Yet, at this time of the year, there… Continue Reading

Don’t Sweep It Under the Rug!

     I believe that it is safe to say, “Most Americans would rather avoid conflict than address issues.” I think that it is just part of our human nature that finds it easier to avoid issues and “maintain the peace.” The challenge is that conflict that is avoided hardly ever resolves itself, it seems to… Continue Reading

Is My Life Getting Brighter?

    I originally titled this article, “Is My Light Getting Brighter?” But as I typed my finger spelled the work life instead of light. Life is a better description of my thoughts. Now that we are looking forward to the beginning of Summer in the Pacific Northwest, we also entertain those activities that we are able… Continue Reading

Why Pray if God Knows Everything?

    Caryl and I have found every season of life with kids to be interesting. My recent thoughts on the importance of prayer has caused me to reflect on raising a family. There are times that as an parent you need to craft an answer to be age appropriate for your child. There are also times… Continue Reading

What if Everything Fails?

    Have you ever wondered what you would do if everything fails? You might want to ask, well, what is everything? I am being general because the areas of life that challenge each of us can be different. Some might be worried about their financial situation. For others, it may be their health condition or that… Continue Reading