Killing It As A Dad!

Killing It As A Dad!

    As I reflect on being a dad, it is interesting how I thought I had all the answers before I had kids, while after having kids it seems I only had questions! I believe that being a father is one of several growth opportunities in a man’s life. I have found it...
Killing It As A Dad!

Where is God When I Need Him?

     Have you ever assumed something and later discovered that you were wrong? I know I have many, many times. The challenge is when I think that my assumption is correct. One of the definitions of “assumption” is “the act of taking for granted.” The...
Killing It As A Dad!

Keeping My Focus in Tough Times

     Maybe you have heard someone jokingly say: “Squirrel!” It is being used as a metaphor if someone loses focus, like a dog who immediately becomes distracted when they catch sight of a squirrel! It is not surprising that many of us can become distracted by tough...
Killing It As A Dad!

Be A Godly Encourager

     All of us face challenging times in our lives. These life challenges are a part of living. It is easy to think you are alone in your struggles but everyone faces them. The only distinction may be that these challenges become more significant...
Killing It As A Dad!

What is Driving My Faith in Jesus?

     I often ponder: “Why do I do this?” You might be surprised how many things we do without thinking about them. The other day I experienced this driving home from the office. I had driven down a stretch of road that included several stop lights and a couple of...
Killing It As A Dad!

Thank You Mom!

     This Sunday we will celebrate Mother’s Day! It is a great opportunity to communicate our love and appreciation for our moms. Recently I was reading about the history of Mother’s Day. Many cultures have celebrated mothers, but here in the United States it...