Category Archives: Newsletter

Send My Guests Off With A Prayer

     I don’t know exactly where I picked this up, but I have attempted to make it a common part of our family. I am thinking that this may have been passed down to us from Caryl’s parents but I am not sure. I like to send our guests, friends and especially family members off… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 2-18-2021

I am reminded each week of the privilege that is mine to know the Lord. I know that the world around us seems to be falling apart, but the stability of my world has not changed. Yes, there have been circumstances that have changed, but the Lord has not. What a blessing to belong to… Continue Reading

How Satan Trips Me Up!

     All of us are dealing with internet fraud in some way. It may be limited for some to the theft of our information from a store that we have used. It gets worse for those that have clicked on an email, like or opened a document, or allowed our computer to be held hostage… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 2-11-2021

I just wanted to remind those in the area as the temperatures drop and the snows falls to reach out to the Pastor if you have a need. I know that we and others are available to help in times of need. Give Pastor Joe a call if needed. It has been another great and… Continue Reading

My Greatest Christian Superpower!

     Our lives are filled with all kinds of different challenges. We often find ourselves at a loss as to what to do or how to respond. The challenges in our lives often leave us feeling trapped. Yet the Bible reminds us that we have one of the greatest real powers available to man that… Continue Reading

God Has It Covered!

     If you are like me, you probably have your “nose to the grindstone.” This old phrase which now refers to “working hard or diligently” comes from the bent over position of knife sharpeners sharpening knives. It is an accurate description of most of our lives. Yet, we often fail to see the bigger picture… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 1-28-2021

Wow, it is hard to believe that January is almost over. I am reminded of how quickly time passes. It reminds me of the importance of taking advantage of the opportunities of life.   I want to give a shout out to the property team for their work on the Worship building. The team approved… Continue Reading

Bring a Little Heaven into Your World

     There are many different views of heaven. Yet the Biblical Heaven is a place where there is no sin and the related consequences like death, sickness and crime to name a few. A Biblical understanding of heaven is a huge motivator to Jesus’ followers to press forward for that time when we are there… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 1-21-2021

I want to give a shout out to Pastor Berney, Joe, Steve and others that covered the bases while Caryl and I were back babysitting some of our grandkids in North Dakota. It was a blessing for us to spend extended time with family. Thank You. Could I encourage you to pray about how the… Continue Reading

Embracing Stress Biblically

     The past year 2020 will be remembered, in the lives of those that lived through it, for all their lives. One thing that 2020 has reminded me of is the stressfulness of life. All of us deal with stress in different ways. I wonder how many of us really take the time to apply… Continue Reading