Category Archives: Newsletter

Rearview Mirror 12-30-2021

·  Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! I hope that you are enjoying the wonderful white stuff. I am reminded that the Bible refers to snow to illustrate the purity of the follower of Jesus! Thinking about the snow, please contact one of the pastors should you have a need. · Thank… Continue Reading

Jesus Strong!

    Reflecting on the last 12 months I have been reminded of the conundrum of our human condition. It seems as if everything has changed in our world but, at the core, has it really changed?  It is easy to think, looking at the surface level, that we have made great progress in areas but, have… Continue Reading

God and Government!

    This is a great question- Is God working in and/or through government? I realize that this is an emotionally charged issue in our time. I would suppose that each of us would take different positions on this point. I would like to look at one instance of many in the Bible that could point us… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 12-23-2021

·  Caryl and I send our Christmas greetings and Christian love to each of you this Holiday season. I hope that your hearts will be touched as you are reminded of God’s working through that first Christmas to bring you into a relationship with Him! · Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Friday December 24th 6PM. We… Continue Reading

Christmas is for You!

    The account of the very first Christmas never ceases to amaze me. One of the threads throughout the account is God’s personal interest in all people but especially the common people of the world. We see the emphasis in the selection of Joseph and Mary to be the parents of the promised Messiah. We also… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 12-16-2021

·  Like most things in life it is easy to miss the daily blessings with all the busy-ness in our lives. Let me encourage you to work at making each day special by considering what Christmas is all about! · Baptismal Service(s). I am excited for how the Lord has been working in hearts and… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 12-2-2021

·  This past Sunday we launchsd the Advent Season as we focused on the deeper meaning of Christmas. We have provided some resources for our families to help in doing just that. We have some Advent Calendars that include a paper “tree ornament” of each day leading to Christmas. We also have a devotion that… Continue Reading

My Joy is Contagious!

    I wonder how often we listen to ourselves. I think it would be enlightening and revealing to record what comes out of our mouth for a full day. It would then be interesting to review our words to determine if our words were encouraging or discouraging.  We live in a world that is built on… Continue Reading

Encourage Others to Give Thanks!

    I am reminded every day that our world is a very unhappy place. Think about this, just about every source of input into our lives is negative. If we turn on the news we are hit with what is going wrong in the world. It seems that even our personal communication with others majors on… Continue Reading