Rearview Mirror 3-29-2018

This week is the perfect time to invite family and friends to church. It has been said that most people would visit your church if you just asked them. This Sunday is also a time when many people consider attending church. So it is a great time to ask. Let me say Thank You in… Continue Reading

Becoming One Out of a Thousand

Are you a follower of Jesus that stands out from others? Now, I am not talking about being strange, but being a testimony. It can be easy to go with the flow of American Christian culture and miss the blessing of pursuing hard after Jesus. So the question is, “Would others select you if asked… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 3-22-2018

I never cease to be amazed at the Lord working through the big things and especially through the small things. We are continuing to move forward on the development of our property. This past week we made application for another permit. I would ask you to be in prayer for this as we trust the… Continue Reading

Will My Team Realize Greatness?

I had the privilege of spectating at the SAE AREO EAST this past weekend. Now you might be asking yourself what exactly was that? It is a collegiate engineering aeronautics competition. Our daughter’s team, CU Flight Crew from Cedarville University was competing in the advanced class. It was there I heard a comment from one… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 3-15-2018

It is a wonderful thing to watch your children succeed. Caryl and I had the privilege of attending our daughter’s AREO Design competition in Florida this past weekend. It was a great time to share in her hard work and dedication. Thanks to everyone that covered the bases this past Sunday so that we could… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 3-8-2018

The exciting news, small but exciting, is that I was able to record the “Land Use Binder” that makes our Conditional Use Permit final. The recording of this document basically ties the approval of our CUP to our property. PTL I am excited with how the Lord is working in our midst. One of the… Continue Reading

The Preciousness of Life

We are reminded again and again with all the human tragedy that is caused by other people of how little value we place on human life. We see it in the major national crisis like mass shootings to the other end of the spectrum in abuse and neglect ranging from children to the aged. It… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 3-1-2018

Congratulations to Joe and Jess on the birth of their son this week. We are excited for them and to be grandparents again. I know that they would appreciate your prayers. We had a great Congregational Meeting. We were able to make several motions that were related to ministry and the development of the property.… Continue Reading

Am I Serious About God?

It is easy to talk a good game and a lot harder to live it out. It is easy to be wary of a person that “talks big” yet fails repeatedly to follow through. This is a very real challenge for the follower of Jesus. It is tempting to talk the walk and at the… Continue Reading