Rearview Mirror 4-13-2018

  • Last Sunday we kicked off our SDAP Offering. The offering will be collected on Sunday May 20th. The whole offering will go to the building fund to be used for obtaining the permit. The SDAP or Site Development Permit is the next permit needed in the development of our property. This permit will allow us to begin the “ground” work on the infrastructure (i.e. grading lot, installing water & sewer) for future building(s). This is a huge step forward. Please be in prayer as we attempt to raise the $12,000-$22,000 needed for the permit process.
  • We are planning several events in preparation for this special offering. The first is a work day to clean up the property on Saturday, April 21st from 9am-1pm. A BBQ lunch will be provided by the church. Our primary focus will be yard work like cutting the grass, trimming weeds, etc. Please bring any equipment and tools that you think might be necessary.
  • Gals, just a reminder that this Saturday the Ladies Discipleship Group will be meeting at the Ministry Center from 10am until noon.
  • Along the same line, you ladies will want to put the shower for Christine Miller on your calendar that is scheduled for Saturday, April 28th  at 1:00 pm at the Ministry Center.
  • Guys, there are two men’s group for you. Pastor Berney is leading one that meets on Tuesday evenings at the Ministry Center at 7pm and Pastor Joe is leading a Thursday Morning 10:30 AM group that meets at the Ministry Center. We would like to invite you to join us.
  • Let me encourage you to join me in memorizing Scripture. The month our April MMV (Monthly Memory Verse) is “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.” Psalm 37:4–5 ESV  If you are struggling to develop a memorizing habit let me encourage you to check out ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • This week our focus will be on Ecclesiastes chapter 10. It is the final chapter where Solomon addresses those unanswerable questions of life. This week the emphasis will be on avoiding foolishness by having a good heart. I appreciate your prayers as I dive into Solomon’s wisdom that encourages us to pursue wisdom. Thanks for praying!


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